View Full Version : Ideas on meeting people, making friends

11-04-06, 19:08
I am nearly 40 , I cant join the ramblers !!!!

11-04-06, 19:24
Try looking in your local newspaper for clubs near to where you are or look on google maybe that might help you.


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

11-04-06, 19:45
Swimming, gym, pub, shared interest groups?


11-04-06, 20:24

What do you see as your main stumbling block. Is it the fear of meeting a bunch of strangers, is it the lack of hobbies you have, the lack of self esteem, or even lack of accessibility.

Social Anxiety UK run a number of meet ups in various towns and cities around the country. I have been to a couple and there are certainly people of your age who attend. Check out their web site.

If you feel more comfortable with anxiety-type people, try and find a self-help group, or even start one up! That will boost your confidence no end.

I remember you said you lived adjacent to your parents, but don't let that cloud your character. You'll make real friends because of who you are, not because of where you live.

Tell us what interests you, and we'll come up with something.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-04-06, 22:17
Well as is common to people with our problems I see myself as an outsider with few friends and that is the case, lots of people to say hi to but come friday night I stay in mostly not through choice, my interests are rock music, football, fishing.

Would be nice to have some female company, I am not a letch

12-04-06, 20:17
hi frankie :)
im a social outcast lol, on here im out going and bubbly, real life i tend to shy away and have opted for the single life with myself and the kids because i have such a low self esteem.
its a shame because life is so short, we should all be able to enjoy it. take small steps, none of us should let panic or anxiety get in the way of enjoying ourselves, yet we do. sometimes i feel staying in and surrendering to our problems only makes us feel worse in the long run.
(maybe one day i'll listen to my own advice).
emma :)