View Full Version : can you set my mind at ease

08-04-11, 20:03
This may seem a silly question, i have posted on here over last few weeks as my anxiety has been through the roof and like many people on here i worry about cancer, mainly ovarian and cervical..
i posted other day i had my smear test booked and anxiety was awful, i did go for smear and chatted to the nurse about my fear etc, she was fab, and said she would check all my bit outside before doing the smear as i was convinced my cervical cancer had spread alldown my lower region,
well i had not bad day yesterday have managed to convince myself i dont have ovarian[no symptoms of it at all] but since having smear im worried about results even though nurse said my cervix was in right place nothing wrong with position etc and that my womb was also exactly where it should be, and on doing the smear she said my cervix looked in perfect state, im worried that means nothing, and that maybe nurse was saying that to make me feel better, as how can u see!!

do you think nurses and doctors can tell by looking if your less likely to have cervical or do u think she was trying to make me feel better?
sorry long post just worried x

08-04-11, 20:41
I think you will be fine luv. I know how worrying these things are. I have mine on Tuesday and ive been panicking since my letter came! I'm do worried they call me back after it. How long does the results take? If the nurse said all looks good just rest easy till you get the all clear phonecall.

Lele x

08-04-11, 20:44
Was told results can be 6-8 weeks but probably sooner as thats just a guideline.. cant relax at all so fed up worrying all time .. thanks for your reply x

08-04-11, 21:42
amazingly they can see the cervix pretty well when a speculum is in place . although they cant tell if there are cell changes going on, hence the need for it to be sent to the lab, the appearance of the cervix to the eye can be a good indication of sexual health, any bleeding, discharge etc, it is highly unlikely that there will be anything wrong. I think most women get anxious with getting the smear done, but the worst part for me is the waiting for the results. try and relax because otherwise it becomes a very long and stressful wait.. good luck x