View Full Version : A very little step forward

11-04-06, 19:09
Hi All

Recently I have been very negative in my posts and have been having a hard time of it, have received some good advice on here both in terms of my failed relationship and my nagging anxiety, have took this on board and my son and I have had a nice day today, doing things we havent done in ages, as money is tight due to me been off work sick we cashed our coppers, went to pizza hut and had a game of bowling, then a long walk out with our dogs, made me realise what a lovely patient son I have (felt a little guilty that somethings so simple are a big thing to us lately) but we have set ourselves something to do each day together throughout the Easter holidays, this in its self is a good therapy!

no doubt my rants will continue but wanted to share my little step forward today, made me feel really good! lets hope many more are to come

Thanks to everyone who has advised me lately, felt i was under the biggest blackest cloud but just shows even the smallest steps can make us feel a load better - this is my first post under sucsess stories and hope I will have more to come, hope we all do!!

Wendy xxx

11-04-06, 19:17

Hay girl thats great i am so glad you had a lovley day with your son,you both deserved that darling and i couldnt be happier for you.
When if i ever have good days,i craddle my kids up with both my arms and thank god for my children.. because i used to think i have nothink ..no money..no clothes..no car.. i can never afford to go on hoilday with the kids.. it would get me down so so much.. and still does but i tell you .. when i think i have nothink i look at my kids and i think ..i do have something worth more than all the money in the world..my kids..my babies

Im glad you had a nice day and i hope that you have many many more wendy,because you deserve them.

ashley x

11-04-06, 19:24

What a lovely thing to do. To realise that you and your son are important and to spend quality time together. Well done that is a huge step forward, taking time out to smell the flowers is certaintly a step in the righht direstion.

Weell Done keep it up


11-04-06, 19:27
Hi Wendy

Well done from me too. You say little steps forward but i can see bigger & bigger steps coming along to.

Take Care



Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

11-04-06, 19:31
Thanks both! :D:D:D

Its amazing that such small steps really do make a difference! I actually felt like Wendy with a life again and It been a long time since "she" was around and its all down to the support I get here, think one thing anxiety does is make us apprecaite the smaller things in life more that many people take for granted,

11-04-06, 19:35
Thanks Alex, I so hope so and for all of us :)

11-04-06, 19:37
wendy i am so pleased for you , this is a big step and im sure you dont need me to tell you what a great son you have. rant all you want but make sure we know about the good and the bad


11-04-06, 19:42
Thank Jackie, You are right we need to express both good and bad, so often Im a constant negative poster and it time to experience and share the good times too xx

11-04-06, 22:24
well done wendy, hope you enjoy your day out tomorrow as well, tc .. andrew

11-04-06, 23:17
Wendy that's a lovely post - good on ya!!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-04-06, 06:31
Well done Wendy.

Each step is one closer to where you want to be. Usually we start with little baby steps and other times we move on a bit more quickly. There are lots of ups and downs, though you will gradually find the ups outnumbering the downs.

I expect your son is excited to spend time with you and have little things planned for the holidays and that is all that matters.

So many congratulations for yesterday and good luck for the rest of the holidays. I hope you enjoy the experiences as much as your son.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

12-04-06, 19:57

What a lovely post and a big well done to you for going out and doing it. Fab news!


12-04-06, 20:33
Hi All

Thanks for the support! :D

Made it out again today, we went to a place I used to go when I was a child that had really happy memories for me, took a picnic and dogs and we spent 3 hours walking and getting wet and muddy!!!

Had some anxiety this evening and a couple of panic attacks but for just to have some normal days is so nice, tomorrow is the beach and I am determined Im going to do it, I know I have a long journey ahead but these days make it worth the stay and if I can do this with my constant fear of dying we all can!!

Thanks again


Wendy xx

12-04-06, 22:12
Hi Wendy

Fantastic! These don't seem such 'little' steps to me - your two posts have been so full of hope and pleasure I think it's a huge step for you!! I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow too!

Lovely lovely posts - thank you so much!!!

Strength to strength!

love and hugs xxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!