View Full Version : Hot weather making my heart race/pound

08-04-11, 23:25
Hi hope everyone is ok?
Just a quick question if anyone can help
I normally love the sun and hot weather it normally helps my anxiety but today after being sat out in the heat for just an hour my heart started to beat realy quick around 140bpm and it felt like it was pounding so hard it would brake through my chest.It wasnt panic that brought it on as i was realy enjoying relaxing in the garden and feeling the heat.
I had also been drinking plenty of fluid,
So i was just wondering does it happen to many people and do you think i should tell the doctor.
Thanks in advance Kim x

paula lynne
09-04-11, 08:09
Hi KIm, glad you are enjoying the weather, its great isnt it!
I experienced this last year....I was drinking a lot of fluid during the hot weather but noticed my heart racing like crazy...and I had massive palpatations too. I was so worried I went to my doctor, I didnt have any other anxiety symptoms.

My doctor explained that the increase in fluid basically pushes up blood pressure as the heart has to work a bit harder to move the extra fluid around the body.
Obviously, drinking extra fluid is essential in warm weather, I think its a matter of finding a balance.
Of course, if you are feeling unwell, you must see your doctor obviously. I hope you feel better soon x Paula

09-04-11, 22:37
Soon as I am too hot, it happens to me. Keep hydrated and try some iced water it sometimes stops it