View Full Version : breathing problem PLZ HELP!!!!!!

09-04-11, 00:56
plz help this is serious too me , why do i feel my breathing all thw time, do i need further tests, ahs xrays and ecg's . im overly aware of it unless doing something productive, will i die....... had it for seven months

09-04-11, 01:09
Do you mean that you struggle to get breath?

If you are not getting it all the time it is not serious. It is anxiety. I get it when I am stressed.

09-04-11, 01:13
no its like dypsnea a constant in and out all the time 24/7 it not normal im aware of it all the time. even when not anxious

09-04-11, 01:18
Overly aware just usually means you're...overly aware. Not necessarily an underlying problem, when I really think about my breathing I can feel it and I notice every single breath wondering if it's too loud or sounds laboured etc. But because breathing isn't something I get anxious about or pay attention to, I don't really notice it unless I have something to set me off into noticing it (palp etc)

If you tune into something you're gonna notice it. I didn't notice chest pains before my anx when I know for a fact I had them before all of this, it's just now I tune into them and they scare me so I panic and catastrophise, even when I'm not anxious. I notice EVERY single sensation inside my chest and trust me, there's a lot! :D

If you've been to the doc and he say's there's nothing to worry about, there's nothing to worry about. If you havn't, you should go pay him/her a visit so you can put your mind at rest and then you can start to treat an anxiety problem.

Hope you feel better soon. xx

09-04-11, 01:20
Well see doc and ask him - we cannot diagnose I am afraid.

09-04-11, 01:27
ok thanx for the comments

Emma x

11-04-11, 06:57
Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a bigger mistake than mistake itself, so never regret.
