View Full Version : hello

09-04-11, 01:32
my name is Reece i am 38 years old.i have suffered with Anxiety from a early age of around 15. Half my life i have had to go through different syptoms of anxiety. But only from Christmas just gone something triggered within me and the anxiety has sped out of control so severe i now have anxiety disorder and painc disorder and it has now taken control of my everyday life. To be honest i don’t even have a life. its got that bad that my other diagnosis are are all playing there part togther like some evil game that has no end. I see my psychiatrist once a month although i feel i need more suport to see him often and have frequest vistis to my gp. Meds only help occasionaly.But since Christmas my anxiety syptoms are far worse ei: constant stomach churning ’'like a self made volcano inside me wants to erupt’’ constant tingles allover my body like my skin is crawling especaily my chest stomach and in or around my heart.rapid heart beat. palputations.chocking.Claustraphobia. nasuia.dizzyness. numbness.loss of hearing at times,sinuss trouble.headaches.blurred vison.tingles sensations in my mouth,dry mouth,loss of appetite, loss weight,even nightmares.sometimes enough distress to cause fevers.and sleep deprivation,i have around 4-5panic attacks a day/night only time i get too sleep is when i collpase of exhaustion. i am am at a loss! i really am running out of options of what to do or where to go. just to try and get out of the house is like you have to dragg me out. i am frightened to leave the house when its dark i just wont go out i cant for the fear of my life or im being watched. now im affraid of the whole world like someone is out to ruin me even more.Its getting so bad that i am barely keeping my emotions stable. the only small comfort i have is that my brother is also my carer.and he lives with me.but still this nightmare wont stop and i do not know how much more of this i can take. it’s one of the worst feelings emotion distarught to be absoloutly frightened of this and am i going to find a way to stop it and try to live a normal life again because this is tearing me apart emotionaly and pysically.

09-04-11, 01:36
Hi reeceb

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
09-04-11, 06:47
Hello Reece, welcome to a fantastic supportive site, its good to have you with us.:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
09-04-11, 11:21
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x