View Full Version : a couple of questions if anyone would be so kind

09-04-11, 01:42
I have been coughing up blood in mucus in the morning, i am hoping this is from the back of my nose and not my chest as it is bright red?

Has anyone had similar due to high blood pressure or something?

Also sorry a bit off topic(?); i have not been to the doctors in 9 years despite having problems due to anxiety and panic attacks.

I recently left my job and am awaiting my p45, i am planning on applying for E.S.A

Do i have to see my own doctor and get diagnosed before i have an ESA medical? Would it count against me if i go to the medical without seeing anyone first?


09-04-11, 02:00
Hello. I don't think anyone on here is qualified to answer any medical questions. I think if you are coughing up blood you need to see a Doctor. I'm not suggesting it's anything serious, but it could be a chest infection for which you will need antibiotics. If your anxiety and agoraphobia is so severe that you cannot go to the Doctors you could request a home visit. If they won't visit you at home could someone take you to the Doctors? I have agoraphobia so I totally understand how difficult it is for you to seek the treatment you need. My Doctor is brilliant. She knows I struggle with the waiting room so she sees me during her lunch break or when she is on call so there aren't many people queueing to see her! My Dad usually goes with me so I have someone to sit with in the waiting room.

Regarding the ESA, I think you would need to have been diagnosed by a Doctor before you can claim it, although I could be wrong. Plenty of people on this forum have claimed ESA so I'm sure someone will be along shortly who can help you.

10-04-11, 09:53
whoops, sorry, i wasn't trying to ask for professional advice, Ironically the "non harmfull" panick attack symptoms far outweigh actual physical ailments for me and i have been avoiding the doctor like aids, sorry for asking such questions but i have a phobia of public transport and i have to get a taxi/ 2 buses to get to my doctors surgery (hence not going since i started getting panic attacks).

I dont have agrophobia as such, i just will not do anything that i "dont have to do", as in total requirement,

I'm just really shitting my pants because i am out of money and despite feeling like scum wanting to claiming benefits, i don't know what else i can do?, clutching at straws asking if i have to go see a doctor to get "diagnosed" before i have a medical.

Being logical, it shouldn't really matter, although please will someone confirm if i have to see a doctor before applying for ESA ??????

10-04-11, 15:11
The benefits agency will ask for your doctors details and will send them a letter enquiring about your current and past health. You might want to ring up the job centre and ask what the procedure is for people with a fear of doctors. You're not the only one Ive seen on here.
As for the blood. Call NHS direct and see what they say.

10-04-11, 18:46
whoops, sorry, i wasn't trying to ask for professional advice, Ironically the "non harmfull" panick attack symptoms far outweigh actual physical ailments for me and i have been avoiding the doctor like aids, sorry for asking such questions but i have a phobia of public transport and i have to get a taxi/ 2 buses to get to my doctors surgery (hence not going since i started getting panic attacks).

I dont have agrophobia as such, i just will not do anything that i "dont have to do", as in total requirement,

I'm just really shitting my pants because i am out of money and despite feeling like scum wanting to claiming benefits, i don't know what else i can do?, clutching at straws asking if i have to go see a doctor to get "diagnosed" before i have a medical.

Being logical, it shouldn't really matter, although please will someone confirm if i have to see a doctor before applying for ESA ??????

I am in receipt of ESA and it has been a bit of a battle, i have had to fight to get it sorted and had to appeal, even though i am bedridden as i have sever m.e and cannot do anything for myself. You do not need to have seen a doctor in order to apply, but they are likely to contact your doctor and ask for some sort of report, so if the doctor has no recent records of your health, he will not be able to support your application and give them a report of you current health problems. Also when people are initially are on ESA you begin in the assesment phase and you are required to provide medical certificates until you have had your medical. Many people have struggles with ESA and getting them to listen and understand just how badly they are affected by the condition, so if you can see your doctor and get them to understand how badly you are affected it might help with your application.

I am not able to get into my doctors due to the severity of my illness and my doctor is happy to visit me at home, so its worth asking for a home vist. xx

10-04-11, 19:19
thanks vixxy, katie6, that makes alot of sense,

would i be stupid to only go see a doctor should i have to appeal? how long does the process usually take before i have to have a medical (can i wait it out or will it take weeks?).

Ohhhhh poo, looks like im up the proverbial creek

thanks for your help

10-04-11, 19:35
thanks vixxy, katie6, that makes alot of sense,

would i be stupid to only go see a doctor should i have to appeal? how long does the process usually take before i have to have a medical (can i wait it out or will it take weeks?).

Ohhhhh poo, looks like im up the proverbial creek

thanks for your help

It is entirely up to you what way you do it, but in my opinion if you can see a doctor first and make them aware of your situation it would be beneficial in the long run, a medical usually takes place within 3 months and appealing can take some time, mine took close to a year, it can be quite stressfull and in some cases people have to attend a tribunal, so if i were in your boat now i would try and do all i could not to risk it going to appeal. ESA is a very tricky one so you need to do all you can to give it your best shot.

Is it the travelling to the doctors that is the problem for you, or is it the actual Doctor which causes you great anxiety.

You could call your doctors surgery and explain the situation to them and see what they advise. Is your doctor aware of your anxiety problems, or has this all started for you after your last visit to them x

11-04-11, 02:30
hello again, i think its just the travelling, havent been to a doctor for so long i couldn't say if that would be a trigger hehe, im not so bad walking on occasion but my surgery is about 10 miles away ... bleurgh, i have one closer but i don't suppose you can change them without going in person so i havent done that either (suprise suprise)I have ridden out some pretty bad "ailments" before like passing blood / bad gut pain etc, i lost over a stone in about a year with that and i still did not goto the doctor.Do you think i am eligable for ESA?, (sorry i know i should just ring them up), i can't hack going to interviews at the job centre let alone going for proper job interviews. I do have a couple of cracked teeth that are bad i could show the ESA people to confirm that im not lying about not getting medical help.thanks for your time and help thus far

11-04-11, 04:05
The ER will treat you free. you'll get all the blood tests, chest xray, what ever you need.
I know here if your income is low you are entitled to free health care,
some doctors will see you for free if you explain you have no money. or will charge you a lesser amount.
your health is important you should try and find a way to get a check up x

11-04-11, 11:05
hello again, i think its just the travelling, havent been to a doctor for so long i couldn't say if that would be a trigger hehe, im not so bad walking on occasion but my surgery is about 10 miles away ... bleurgh, i have one closer but i don't suppose you can change them without going in person so i havent done that either (suprise suprise)I have ridden out some pretty bad "ailments" before like passing blood / bad gut pain etc, i lost over a stone in about a year with that and i still did not goto the doctor.Do you think i am eligable for ESA?, (sorry i know i should just ring them up), i can't hack going to interviews at the job centre let alone going for proper job interviews. I do have a couple of cracked teeth that are bad i could show the ESA people to confirm that im not lying about not getting medical help.thanks for your time and help thus far

My advice to you would be to call your gp and discuss the issue with them, they may be able to visit you at home, or at very least they will be able to put something on your medical records regarding your phonecall to them. And also make a call to ESA explain the situation to them and see what they advise. as part of the esa assesment, you will be required to attend a medical, and if you feel you are unable to do this, you can request an assesor to attend your home, but again you need your doctors backing for this. xx

11-04-11, 14:42
thanks, i guess ill have to ring the job centre then and get the process going and then try do everything they want me to.I don't want a doctor to come to the house really, family are always in and don't particulary want them knowing i am "ill", i think they just think i am really really lazy and don't do anything but maybe wrong.I would goto an ESA medial as i have to, instead of having the "choice" of going to the doctor when you are ill ... if that makes any sense atall (if i have a "choice", i "choose" not to).Thanks for all your help!

19-08-11, 07:06

You seem like me. Waiting waiting waiting for something dire to happen. If you are then I would suggest you force yourself to get work, even Voluntary as I spent many years like you just staring at the walls. I blame this for 90% of my troubles. I now work doing things I enjoy, not love but enjoy and the companionship and not feeling worthless has given me a new lease of life. I would of thought you would have found it much harder to claim any benefits these days. Lets hope so for your own mental health. You have to break this hold anxiety has on you. Start with the public transport. Go and sit at the bus stop, don't catch a bus just go and sit there. Do it twice a day for a week then get on the bus and go for a small bus ride, enough to give you a walk home. Repeat daily. Keep increasing it. Feel for what it is that gives you anxiety, Is it the bus, the people, the feeling of being away from home? Then work on that increasing what it is that makes you feel anxious until you dont.

Register yourself with your local volunteer centre. They will find you work that is not paid but you will feel that you are in control. Get the working feeling again while you are giving your time for free. The feeling volunteering will give you is unexplainable, It makes you feel as if you belong to society more than paid work as you are doing it out of kindness. You will meet others who volunteer, be prepared a lot of these are similar to us, they are people who are physically well but feel ill. You will meet people who are very ill and they are great because with there illness or disability they are trying to give something to society and that really humbled me.

When you have mastered all this you will feel like a member of society, You will feel as if you are worth something and your agoraphobia will disappear. At this point you can apply for paid work.

Hope this helps.

Don't forget the saying "The devil makes work for idle hands" This is so true!!

Work maketh man!!!


19-08-11, 08:46

r.e. the blood in mucus, I had this for months and months (still do occasionally) and had 2 chest x-rays, CT scan, breating tests, had mucus tested and saw chest specialist several times. They could find nothing wrong and 'guessed' that the blood was coming from my throat rather than my chest. I would say maybe see how it is over the mext couple of weeks and if it's still the same pop and see your GP, they may just ask for a mucus sample to start with.

K xxx