View Full Version : scarey films = panic

11-04-06, 21:28
Hope this doesn't sound too daft, but does anyone find that watching scarey films sets them off panicking? I was watching War of the Worlds (12 certificate for goodness sake!!!) and had to leave the room at one point as I went hot and my heart started racing!! I do tend to avoid really bad horrors as even before the anxiety started I use dto get wound up watchingt them, but a certificate 12 film?!?! I also find sometimes just hearing creepy music or thinking what is going to happen sets me off in a panic!!!
Love Helen

11-04-06, 21:41
I totally know what you mean!

I was watching a really scary film the other day. The exorcism of emily Rose! It was really freaky horrible film....wouldnt recommend it, I seriously thought i was going to have to turn it off, but I perservered....

I think we should just avoid freaky film!

Hay x

11-04-06, 21:49
No need to feel bad at getting scared over a 12 certificate film, i got panicy when i saw war of the worlds too, those sound effects really are freaky! i thought i was going to have to run out of the cinema several times!

11-04-06, 21:54

I know exactly what you mean, I am just the same, like I saw an advert on tv for a film and I got scared that the scary person was next to me! I try not to watch scary films now because my anxiety gets worse and I start to worry. My advice would be to watch films you're comfortable with and preferebly comedies because they make you laugh. Hope this helps.


11-04-06, 21:59
Hey i was watching lord of the rings and the little ugly thing freaked me right out. Needless to say i haven't seen the film. Tara xx

11-04-06, 22:50
Yeah I'm the same, used to love watching scary movies but can't hack them anymore, makes me go into a panic if it gets too tense. I get really annoyed with myself.

11-04-06, 22:55
I love them so can't offer much help I am afraid.

It is all to do with state of mind etc and how you feel.

You feel scared then the slightest thing will scare you.


12-04-06, 08:43
Thanks for the replies - glad to know I'm not the only daft one - think I'll take Scoobies advice and stick to comedy films - shouldn't go wrong with U ratings!!! Tara - try lord of the rings again, its a fab film!!
Love Helen

12-04-06, 09:13
I really love films and I used to watch them all the time, but I've been avoiding anything except comedies recently. I had a panic attack watching a film with Pierce Brosnan in it (something Panama or Havana I think, good film anyway).

I think the reason that it happens is to do with adrenaline. Films are designed to excite and thrill us (even 12 certificates) and the rush of adrenaline causes our body/brain to push the panic button.

I haven't seen Lord of the Rings or War of the Worlds in case I feel panicky either. i'd really love to see Jarhead, but the description "disturbing/harrowing" really put me off.

I guess we just take what we see on screen too literally and our brain can't tell the difference between real danger and a film.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

12-04-06, 09:15
Hi Giddy,

Scarey films set me off panicking too, (well i thought it was scarey films), i watched King Kong last night and thats only a certificate 12!,i hate the bits of the films that make me jump, my heart starts racing and i start to feel lightheaded, its a good film though and i did shed a tear at the end !!!


12-04-06, 13:12
Hi Giddy
So glad its not just me! I cant even watch Harry Potter ha ha.
My poor b/f loves scary films i just cant do them!Even Ice Age 2 set me off, honesly its pathetic!


12-04-06, 16:09
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hey i was watching lord of the rings and the little ugly thing freaked me right out. Needless to say i haven't seen the film. Tara xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by tara - 11 April 2006 : 22:59:26</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

My b/f has watched it loads of times honest and begs me to watch it with him, my excuse to him is "it's crap" lol. Tara x

12-04-06, 16:21
thanks for this thread helen. i (again) thought i was the only one with this fear!
the other day, my daughter and her friend wanted to watch final destination..i said yes but insisted it was upstairs as i freaked BIG time when i watched the first one!! well..i had to go in the room to get something and my heart was going mad and i felt physically sick whilst being in the same room (for approx 2 minutes). then after the film she was dying to tell me bits and i said NO rather loudly lol..im sure she thinks im derranged!
they also had an advert a few years back for the film scream..this nasty woman would pop up in between adverts and scream then it would go back to adverts. it made me want to cry i was so scared. i avoided all channels with adverts like the plague!
sometimes even eastenders freaks me out lol..i left the room when denis got stabbed and nrly passed out with panic.
yes..i know how you feel and its clear to me that we are not alone with this :)

12-04-06, 16:54
Thanks for your replies - I'm going to show them to my husband who thinks I'm totally soft!!!
Love Helen