View Full Version : Are you ok in the heat?

09-04-11, 09:43
With the weather hotting up a bit over the last few days I've realised how bad I can feel in the heat. Id forgotten about it till recently. Now Im dreading the Summer!

I was sick last Summer. I was just sat in the sunshine eating my sandwich, then it just came over me in minutes.. I felt dreadful, just weak, sickly etc. Then by evening I was quite ill. Then I began noticing just how much I struggle in the warm weather.
These are some of the ways:

feeling as though everything is 10x more work
I feel heavy and totally exhausted

I don't panic.. well I probably do when the evening comes and I dont feel much better. Even now, with the sun having been heating up the bedroom I feel drained. In the hot kitchen Im a mess, struggling to finish cooking meals etc.

But does anyone else get this?

Im well aware that people with MS can't usually tolerate the heat and that it makes their symptoms worse.. So of course Im worrying about that again!

Thanks :)

09-04-11, 13:28
I'm the same - can't handle the heat at all...

Haven't really got any advice - just wanted to say you're not alone!

09-04-11, 13:41
You will feel better about it when you are used to it. I hate it in spring as it starts to get warm and I panic as I think about summer. I find I can't eat in the heat and the thought of cooked meals is unbearable. Bit hot chunks of meat in this heat, blagh.
It will make you feel tired, try to do your jobs in the morning or evening and use the hot hours to relax and enjoy the sun. Thats what they do in Spain, fiesta! And keep hidrated.

09-04-11, 14:30
I rarely complain about hot weather as I seem to deal with it better than winter.
We've been lucky here in Iowa Falls, it rained this week (1.75"). I've only watered the lawn once on the 14th. My grass is still pretty green...tho some of the new grass seed I planted this spring in some bare spots has croaked and gone to turf heaven. I'm pulling crabgrass along the curb and my sidewalks. And this week I only mowed my shady back yard...not the sunny parts.

My flower beds need water every 2 days and the pots almost every day...but I try to not waste any water. My impatiens are loving the heat and are growing like crazy...my hostas however are stressed out. The pansies I planted last fall are still alive in a full sun bed. And a couple of the daylillies I planted this spring as bulbs have bloomed this week. My cannas are new and only about 2 ft so far. My wave petunias are spreading all over and the sweet potato vine I planted for the first time...is like a plant in a 1950s SciFi Movie...it grows a foot each night :-)

My only complaint is that the coolest time of the day to be out doors is when the skeeters are looking to suck every drop of blood out of my body. And the cutters with deet only lasts a short time.

So, I'm doing OK with the heat. But I know many others find it a real problem.

09-04-11, 18:32
Tolerance to heat seems to vary a lot from one person to another, but I know from some stuff I've had to deal with at work, that the magic temperature that will make people start to feel uncomfortable is 26 degrees C. This is certainly where we have to start keeping an eye on temperatures if they don't drop below this for long (I work in a hospital).

A lot of anxious people also find that heat will set them off. I used to be OK in quite high temperatures until I went perimenopausal and started getting really severe hot flushes. This is a bummer for me as I love warm weather. so just have to make sure I'm able to cool myself down if I start getting stressed about it.

09-04-11, 19:50
Hi blueangel, I'm perimenopausal too, and all I do is sweat... summer, winter, autumn, spring :( Obviously it's worse in the real heat! When I was younger I thought the heat was a nightmare... now with the hot flushes I'd say I didn't even know I was born :(

09-04-11, 21:10
Yes, heat affects me too..lethargic, irritable and pollen related allergies also to cope with. Stingy eyes, sneezes, echoey ears..ps. ladies , im post meno and those hot flushes still happen :ohmy:

10-04-11, 19:33
Hi nikknik,
Yes I am the same.the hot weather does not suit me at all,but niether does the cold.:shades:
My ankles swell up in the hot weather and i get very exhausted.
Some one might say I'm never satisfied with the weather,but I cannot help it,its just how I am