View Full Version : Has anyone heard of the Vegus Nerve?

11-04-06, 21:58

I am new to this site but think it's great. I am a great worrier with regards to my health and recently I had a tight chest and was convinced that it was a heart condition or lung problem. Doctor said that it was just anxiety. I had a hard job believing that as the symptoms were new - having also been a great anxiety queen and getting panic attacks, etc, etc.

So anyway - after an ecg, blood tests and chest xray I now believe I am not having heart or lung problems but I do still have pressure in the very top of my stomach and also palpataions/heart flutterings (which actually feel like they're coming from my top stomach area).

I thought maybe food intolerances so I went to homeopath. Was told about something called the Vegus Nerve which sits in the top of the stomach area, and if bloated it pushes on nerve. This nerve runs through the chest area which can also explain tight chest and twinges over heart area.

Has anyone else heard of this? Or any suggestions for the feeling in top of stomach and heart fluttering (strangely coming from top of stomach area)?

Many thanks and look forward to hearing from some of you.

"My cats keep me sane"

11-04-06, 22:04


Are you sure it is not acid reflux/acid indigestion as this manifets as chest pains high up in stomach area etc.


12-04-06, 06:15
Actually I read about it on a site where people posted about skipped beats... I cannot remember the name of the site... but they all had palpitations etc... when they had to burp or had an upset stomach like gas etc... interesting!!