View Full Version : Sign/ premonition

09-04-11, 17:49
So if you saw my posts from the other day I was worried about dying from a uti and was worried yesterday. Then I heard a conversation where someone said there's well do it next week and the other person said , the world could end. Ok I think this is a sign. Then my dream last night a lady was inspecting me for signs that I was dying, weird I know. But I think these are all signs something is going to happen to me. Ever get this??!

09-04-11, 18:07
Anyone? :(

09-04-11, 18:15
Please be patient. I'm writing.

09-04-11, 18:26
Now when it comes to premonitions, you know you are safe. People never have premonitions, and the occasional time someone has "forseen" their future is a coincidence - it would have to happen sometime because, chances are, you will think about something in the future by chance. Thats why it is so rare. There is no possible way of seeing forward through time, it will never happen.
I was worried a couple of months ago because I thought the world was going to end. I kept hearing people talking about it, I dreamt about it, it was reffered on telly and in films. I was getting really anxious, but I soon realised, it probably isn't going to happen, and the only reason I was seeing all thses "signs" was because I was subconsciously looking for them and registering them, when normally I wouldn't even think about it.
You dreamt about that becasue you are thinking about it; dreams are calls of help from deep in the mind, not from the future.

Things like this can be so worrying and scary but it is an irrational fear (this is great news!!!). Set yourself a goal, say, next month, and if you are not dead, you have won. I had to do this whenever I cut myself by accident, had to say in 24 hours, if i was still alive and well, I'm ok!
Keep your mind away from the subject, and tell your brain its a silly thought. It will believe you eventually. Your brain canis like a person - you can convince it, manipulate it and make it happpy or sad, and it can do the same to you.

10-04-11, 21:48
When you are worried you will have strange dreams about what you are worried about and also simple things you hear will sound like some thing more but that is all part of anxiety!

You will not die from a uti! I work with the elderly and they are often suffering with uti's and they have many other health problems on top of that but they don't die from them so try not to worry xx

10-04-11, 23:13
when your anxiety is high you can suffer from paranoia. they aren't signs that anything bad is going to happen, you need to try and realize you are being totally irrational.
try and trust the people around you, like your doctor.
Have you been to your doctor? If not I suggest you go and bring a urine sample and get tested.
A uti is simple bacteria infection in your urinary tract which usually clears it self up.
it can rarely lead to a kidney infection, which causes pain and fever which is easily cleared up by antibiotics