View Full Version : Rheumatologist, rasied esr and crp

09-04-11, 17:55

I've had raised ESR (and sometimes CRP) for about 6 months. My only symptom is back pain (which my specialist thinks is slipped disc and not related to the ESR/CRP). My doc has referred me to a rheumatologist. Of course am worrying but wondered if anyone else has had something similar. What happens when you see a rheumatologist? More tests I expect:weep:

09-04-11, 18:14
Hi. Your blood test results could indicate an underlying auto-immune disease. You are being sent to a rheumatologist who will look at all of your symptoms and may do further tests including more complex auto-immune blood tests. Raised ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and CRP (C-reactive protein) can be indicators of inflammation within the body. Sometimes it is just means that you have had a viral infection, but sometimes it means that you have an underlying auto-immune disease such as arthritis. It is good that they are checking you out because if you need treatment, the earlier you get it, the better.

Good luck. Please let us know how you get on. :flowers:

By the way, I regularly see a rheumatologist for auto-immune 'issues' so please feel free to PM if you want to ask any questions.

PLEASE DON'T PANIC ABOUT THIS. Your Doctor is doing the right thing by sending you to see someone who specialises in this field. Auto-immune disorders are very complex and your Doctor isn't qualified to make a diagnosis. That doesn't mean that anything is wrong, but your test results do warrant further investigation.

09-04-11, 18:25
Thanks shoegal am trying not to get too worked up about it but as you know its easier said than done! My GP did a lot of other blood tests which all came back normal so fingers crossed its nothing serious.
I'll let you know how it goes.