View Full Version : worrying bump behind my ear

09-04-11, 21:07
Hi, not been here much of late as ive been keeping my HA under wraps. About three weeks ago i had a shower and didnt rinse all the conditioner away from behind my ears. i noticed the next day there was a bump behind my ear, in the crease between my earlobe and my head. i thought it was a spot or something deep under the skin but it doesnt seem to have gone down much. I dont want to panic mysef as it could easily be something thats taking longer to heal. the skin isnt affected in that area. should i be freaking out? i always fear anything that could be cancerous. I need some reassurance before i have a resurgence of HA. If it was like a deep boil or something, would it be normal that it didnt hurt and would it have gone by now by dispersing by itself under the skin? i feel silly for asking, but i really need someone to make me less concerned.

09-04-11, 21:22
Hi, if it makes you feel better you could get it checked but I've had these before and they were either harmless spots (painless) which gradually went away themselves or on one occasion a cyst which also went away. With the weather heating up it's quite usual for these things as they have a tendency to appear in places where we might sweat, and behind the ears is one of them. Not sure if this is any help.
Tina xx

09-04-11, 21:44
ive had them before, but i dont remember them sticking around so long. thank you for your reassuring words. im feeling better about it already x

10-04-11, 09:14
I often get these, not sure what they are, but they always go , sometimes can take a couple of weeks though.

17-04-11, 21:55
Hi, I had one of these about a month ago and mentioned it to my doctor during an appointment. He said it was some sort of cyst and that they're very common in that area; that it would disappear soon. And it did! So I'm sure it's absolutely fine!