View Full Version : Fluoxetine

09-04-11, 21:36
I have taken my first 20mg fluoxetine today and feel really anxious (although I have been feeling very anxious anyway) I think I am to scared to carry on taking it. I have been reading lots of threads about side effects and it sounds like hell and now I am terrified. Does anyone have any good stories about it?? I have a phobia of sick and am really worried that it will make me feel awful. I know only I can make the decision about what to do but I really need some advice. I used to take citalopram and didn't have any side effects with that, but after 5 years I felt like it wasn't working anymore.

09-04-11, 22:32
I never had any side effects with Prozac to be honest.

10-04-11, 11:45
Well, I think my mind is made up. No more fluoxetine!! I have had the worst night of my life. Not slept, heaving every minute, panicking like I never have before. Think it might be back on citalopram for me!!

10-04-11, 11:49

I have only been on fluoxetine for a couple of weeks.

In the first week I did have a couple of nights where I had weird dreams and one night with a total nightmare.

The biggest problem I have had is lethargy but that could be due to the depression rather than the medication.

Good luck

10-04-11, 15:19
Hi ames. I know its hard and believe me I know! I've been through 3 different periods in my life where I was put on an AD, and it made me feel like utter death. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I'm just like a walking zombie..... the only thing I can do is panic.
However, I have hope for you. Once you get past those shite few weeks you begin to feel better than you ever have. You've hit rock bottom and as they say, the only way is UP!
The bad side effects usually last about a week for me. Then they start to fade and I can cope with them. Then its just a case of waiting for them to really do their job.
It is worth it! Remember why you're taking them, it's to get better.
If you're really scared about taking them, then ask for the lowest dose available and ween yourself onto them. It's similar to coming off slowly and I've found its the best way to get myself onto them without all the extra side effects as your body can tolerate the lower doses better. I've even cut my pills into smaller pieces so I was taking only a 1/4 of what I should have been. Obviously you need to speak to your GP and pharmacist first and ask if its ok, as some pills have a special coating.
I hope this in some way helps you.

10-04-11, 15:31
Thanks for your reply. I am going to talk to my doc about going back on citalopram. As I have a major fear of feeling and being sick, I don't think I can handle even one more night of that. I NEVER retch and I was doing it constantly for hours, so really don't think they are for me. Or maybe I should carry on taking them, oh, all confused again!!

10-04-11, 15:47
I used to retch a lot when I was anxious. It had nothing to do with the meds I was on though. My GP gave me motillium, which helped. You can buy it over the counter at a pharmacy. You need to make sure you can take it with your other meds though.
If I were you I would try and take it again today and call the GP and ask for an emergency appointment tomorrow.