View Full Version : can i ask a question pleas

10-04-11, 10:54
hi, im hoping someone on here can help me, ok so long story short when i blink i see flashes but i only really notice them if i force myself to blink to see if i can see them iykwim this all started because i saw a flashy thing in my vision 2 weeks after having my baby, so i done a stupid thing and googled it and it said retina detachment i went to the opticians had an eye test and they took a picture of my eye with that funny camera thing but i still cant relax,so wot i would like to know is A, would that camera thing have picked up any probs ? B, could my anxiety be causing me to see them or is it just completley normal?

thank you for any replys
ree x

ps i do have very light sensitive eyes x

10-04-11, 19:20
I get this too
by any chance are you toric?
I am and i get this A LOT and when i spoke to my optician, this cause this.
My sister is not toric however and gets this all the time apparently everyone gets it & anxiety definitely worsens it

Stay calm and forget about it, it wont be long disappearing

12-04-11, 11:27
thank you so much for your reply :) im not toric tho x