View Full Version : Morning Anxiety :(

10-04-11, 11:05
Good morning (well bad for me right now)
I've started getting really bad morning anxiety every morning i wake up fine then soon as my mind realises i feel fine i just start to panic over nothing at all and then i have the worse time my heart pounds and mind races and every1 is asleep so i just try and ignore it sometimes i can but how do you cope with your morning anxiety ??

10-04-11, 11:58
Hi, I have the same as you in the mornings, sometimes it can last into the afternoon, although i am feeling better after 6 months on citalopram, the mornings are still hard. I find keeping busy helps, in fact i still find it hard to relax and do nothing when i get up, i sometimes wonder if i need to increase my dose by 10mg to sort this out, but taking 50mg a day seems high enough. what medication are you taking? I hope you're mornings get better soon, but you are not alone i think it is very common with people who have anxiety issues. take care:hugs:

10-04-11, 13:48
Hi, I have the same as you in the mornings, sometimes it can last into the afternoon, although i am feeling better after 6 months on citalopram, the mornings are still hard. I find keeping busy helps, in fact i still find it hard to relax and do nothing when i get up, i sometimes wonder if i need to increase my dose by 10mg to sort this out, but taking 50mg a day seems high enough. what medication are you taking? I hope you're mornings get better soon, but you are not alone i think it is very common with people who have anxiety issues. take care:hugs:

Am also on citalopram only been on them now 2weeks and feeling better in some ways but the mornings are sometimes hard I get this nervous sickly belly feeling just above my pubic line I don't no if this is my ibs or still the anxiety It just feels like its shaking that sickly scared feeling but I get this all the time soon as my anxiety starts and it started around 4 this morning I did manage to go bk asleep but still had it wen I woke bk up this is the hardest times early mornings and late at night at night when the house is silent xx

10-04-11, 13:56

I was having a really bad problem with morning anxiety too, it would last for hours sometimes, the only thing I found to help would be to do some progressive muscle relaxation in the morning and force myself to be active, even if it was just doing the washing up.


10-04-11, 14:02

I was having a really bad problem with morning anxiety too, it would last for hours sometimes, the only thing I found to help would be to do some progressive muscle relaxation in the morning and force myself to be active, even if it was just doing the washing up.


Yea I find if I sit and dwell on it it just gets worse xx

It usually only comes on when am first up on my own x

10-04-11, 15:57
Distraction is key with morning anxiety...then before you know it it has gone away...until the next morning when it starts all over again!!


Boos Mum
10-04-11, 16:51
I have this when I first get up, I have to get my beta blocker in my to try to control my heart rate, I just got up and feel awful, so I totally know how you feel

12-04-11, 16:02
Jon the club,I have had anxiety in the mornings for years if I have something to look really forward to some thing that day it does not affect me,I have to have a fag myself.