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View Full Version : cant do it anymore..this damn cold has made me more anxious

10-04-11, 18:15
On tuesday i got a cold which improved thursday then got worse again. For about a week sometimes i will get pain in either ear for a few minutes (not often) last night i woke with a blocked nose (could not breathe and spent 15 mins trying to unblock it) now got lots of sinus pain and just want to cry. For the past few months ive had the pain in nose etc. Anyway also when i went to bed last night i was lying down and i swayed for a few moments. very very very very anxious and near tears.

10-04-11, 18:54
throat also hurts now to. for months ive had the nose pain and stuff but not the blocked nose. Also get pain in ear/s now. mainly on one side. freaking out big time. eyes have got tears in them.

10-04-11, 19:03
also just burped and that ear popped. T-e-r-i-f-i-e-d

10-04-11, 19:09
emma, remember what i said yesterday.
This cold will get worse before it gets better its the way it works, which isnt helped by the change of seasons - heightened allergies etc
This is nothing serious, i promise.
Your "swaying" is because of your ears!!

Keep your head up!

Take Lemsip (or similar) get a steaming hot bowl of hot water and put your head over it with a teatowel behind your head to trap the steam it will clear your sinusses, try Vic and maybe even an antihistamin

Best of luck x

10-04-11, 19:10

Why dont you read some of the many replies you have had in the past which have given you some great ideas with how to help yourself, including your issues with your sinuses.

You really need to start trying to take control of your health anxiety-you are not doing yourself any good. Even when you get to see your counsellor it is not going to be an instant cure-you need to put in the hard work otherwise you will never get better.

Sorry if this sounds harsh but it really isnt doing you any good by posting so much for reassurance, this infact will only make your health anxiety to get worse.

Good luck.

10-04-11, 19:18
Thanks. with the counessling ive had two sessions. one was a starter one asking genreal q's then i got reffered to someone else who said the same q's. so ive had no advice on how to cope with it from either. I did ask but both repileed thats for next time. my sinuses are so painful at the moment and a few back teeth hurt and cheeck. also just burped and it shooted pain in ear. its all over one side which is hurting.

10-04-11, 19:22
You can get great advice from this website about things to do to help yourself and lots of us having given advice to you in the past.

Dont wait until the councellor tells you what to do before you start to help yourself.

10-04-11, 19:23
emma, remember what i said yesterday.
This cold will get worse before it gets better its the way it works, which isnt helped by the change of seasons - heightened allergies etc
This is nothing serious, i promise.
Your "swaying" is because of your ears!!

Keep your head up!

Take Lemsip (or similar) get a steaming hot bowl of hot water and put your head over it with a teatowel behind your head to trap the steam it will clear your sinusses, try Vic and maybe even an antihistamin

Best of luck x

Thank you. Just realised we have honey +lemon in the house. prefer that over lemsip haha. So will have that with hot water before bed. was going to have a bath tonight but might just wait till the morning n watch tele or something tonight. :)

10-04-11, 20:20
tooth are hurting badly. ear hurting badly. badly blocked nose. bleurgh. just dont feel right. head pains and all. also bad throat pain. just wanna curl up and do nothing. in so much pain arg

10-04-11, 20:26
the only thing i can think of is in science last week we have plates of bacteria that were sealed but the guy next to me broke his. we wernt wearing gloves or nothing. teacher said there was e-coli in there :O

10-04-11, 20:41
i'm that worried i might speak to my mum. just want to go up hospital. the pain in left ear getting worse and worse and worse and keeps crackiling and popping.

10-04-11, 21:03
i also feel partly death in that ear now and a really funny feeling to . painful to press around to.

10-04-11, 21:44
Emma, I've got all the symptoms that you're experiencing at the moment...they are not very nice but they will eventually go away, for both of us.

It's another of those bugs that go around that make you feel really awful at the time :hugs:

10-04-11, 23:18
I totally understand your fears, I get the same way, it's hard for people on here to help because even though they give good advice I find it hard to calm myself down.
the fear of the pain getting worse, I get that too, do you have any painkillers because it might help to know they are there just in case.

10-04-11, 23:41
Emma - you do not need to go to hospital - you need to calm down and take a step back from things.

If you are able to post on here so much all the time then you are fine to be honest!

Take the advice on board and act on it

11-04-11, 09:23
Thanks. I havnt got out of bed yet. Feel very sick. Ear ache major runny nose headache toothache etc

11-04-11, 10:16
Emma, you are fine. You just have a cold and it will pass very soon. Be brave. :flowers:

11-04-11, 11:57
Thank You. Ear is killing me but hey ho

11-04-11, 16:07
spent the last two hours just holding my ear in bed. just looked at my face and im pale and have loads of snot up one nostril eww. i had a cold wed/thur then it improved for 3 days and got worse yesterday. got lots of tooth pain/cheek pain and hurts to press around ear to. also get random head pains anywere in head. and ear popping sometimes (was more so yesterday)

11-04-11, 16:59
only worried because they say if ur smyptoms imrpove then get worse again see a doc. well this happened to me and i feel a lot worse than last time

11-04-11, 17:02
hi hunni if your that worried ring your doctor out of hours o nhs direct for reassuarance...personnaly you sound like you have come down with something hunni, however your ear....is worse cos you are messing with it think of it hunni stop messing and pit a luke warm handkierchief or towel on it it should help. Then i want you to go get a lemsip climb into bed with a hot water bottle and sleep xx

or lay and watch tv you have what sounds like a bnad cold and rest and fluids is what you need hunni xxx

11-04-11, 17:28
Thank you. Just made my self hot lemon and honey drink :).
I wouldnt be as worried if it hadnt of got better then a lot worse. Can not breathe out my nose at the moment. everything hurts and feel a little warm to

11-04-11, 17:54
Hi Em.ma
You have to remember that us anxiety sufferers do get sick sometimes and that is normal, I think you are feeling extra anxious because you are feeling ill on top of all your usual anxiety symptoms, i get more anxious too when i have a bug, i guess it feels like we have to put up with alot already without being ill.
My advice to you is try a lemsip or paracetamol, (but not both) honey and lemon is good for soothing your throat but is not going to help with the pain, if you can reduce your ear pain, you may feel a bit calmer.
Try not to worry about getting better and then feeling bad again, maybe you hadn't fully recovered last time or maybe you got a virus on top of a virus there is so much going around at the mo.
If your ear is really sore maybe you have an ear infection, so my advice is as follows

Take a lemsip or paracetamol, drink lots of fluids, tuck yourself up in bed and get lots of rest, if you are not feeling any better tomorrow maybe then see your gp. it may be that you need some anti-biotics to clear it but they won't work if it is viral

but definately take some painkillers and you will sleep alot better

Hope you feel better soon

11-04-11, 18:37
Thank you. :hugs:
Have felt this coming on for weeks- with a slight cough and then the sore throat then the cold n now this. Still have a cough to and a terrible runny nose, which im not scared will obstuct my airways. Also worried about it spreading to brain. Anyway if i still feel rubbish come tommorow midday will book to see a gp tommorow afternoon jst to check its not an ear infection and is a viral infection.

11-04-11, 18:43
You really don't need to worry about it spreading and stuff its just a bad cold, which is totally normal and everyone gets them sometimes x

11-04-11, 20:02
Thanks. Havnt had a cold like this for years haha. not used to it. x just got a funny pain on top of head to one side just now. not a pain as such but a funny feeling and sometimes where i still have a lump on head that will hurt. sometimes i get scared it will burst one day

11-04-11, 21:30
terrible pain in one shoulder now (on the side were my ear hurts the most) also one more thing im worried over is still have the two spot things on inside of my mouth n a sore throat n cough lol.

11-04-11, 22:19
Can't sleep at mo. Ear really hurting n panicking

11-04-11, 23:48
will you try something
got a diary or book and everyday right down everything you feel then the next and thenh you can lok back and see you are saying similiar things so try to relax and learn its ok to feel ill and its anxiery symptomd too

12-04-11, 07:37
I will try. I've lost my voice this morning lol and chest hurts when I cough and eat (swallow) beyond fed up now lol

12-04-11, 17:20
went to docs, got inflamed ear drums, inflamed red throat and bad sinus infection. she asked if i had shortness of breath and at the time i said no but now i do and chest pain on one side. even more scared than what i was lmao.

12-04-11, 17:22
also temp was 39.1 when taken.

12-04-11, 19:02
got bad chest pains now. under one rib and round to back to and shortness of breath a little grr. why she have to mention it lol.

12-04-11, 19:19
hurts all over one side of chest now and got pain in eye when i close it.
doc gave me anti biotic prescirption and said take it in two days if no improvment as i have reactions to a lot of anti biotics. last one ended with me on the floor crying in pain and throwing up.

12-04-11, 19:47
Hey em
Scaredstiff is spot on. Keep a journal, write it all down. When u look back over it u will see that the things that are scaring you come to nothing.
Has helped me x

macc noodle
12-04-11, 19:54
Thanks. Havnt had a cold like this for years haha. not used to it. x just got a funny pain on top of head to one side just now. not a pain as such but a funny feeling and sometimes where i still have a lump on head that will hurt. sometimes i get scared it will burst one day

Emma, you need to look back at your posts around January - you were complaining of all these symptoms then.

Regarding the ear - my son has just had an ear infection and the doc. recommended taking nurofen and paracetomol together for the pain. He has been quite poorly with his ear infection but had to keep going cos he is just about to go on study leave for his GCSEs - eventually had ear drops and oral antibiotics to clear it up.

Keep on the steam inhalation and plenty of fluids. Chances are Emma if you are feeling very stuffed up you may have some infection on the chest too which would make you a little short of breath but if you are really worried about it ring NHS Direct and tell them how you feel and what the doc. prescribed etc etc and see what they say.

You will be fine and have to get control of yourself. You are making yourself feel worse by panicking over the smallest of symptoms - you know this - you only have to look at posts you have made to other people suffering that you actually possess a very good awareness of the anxiety and now you need to apply this to yourself (which I know you can do) :hugs:


12-04-11, 20:00
Thank You. I guess the illness has just bought me back a bit in a way.
Had a cold which cleared n caused ear infection n throat infection n inflamed sinuses. doc said anti biotics if it not get better but try to let your body do it on your own 1st.
I have a good understanding of anxiety- just need to learn to help my self more. Also have painful eye at moment (blinking sinuses haha):(. I feel very poorly but i have a high pain tolerance. For me to stop id have to be in an extreme amount of pain (like childbirth for example) haha. am so worried about taking anti biotics but i know i should. she listentend to my chest but im still terrifed.

macc noodle
12-04-11, 20:11
I wouldn't worry too much about taking the antibiotics - is it the same prescription that made you sick last time or have you told the doc so that she can record it on your notes not to give you that one again?

If you do take them, remember that you will probably feel grottier for the first couple of days whilst they get to work!

Childbirth - pain - actually tootache is worse LOL !


12-04-11, 20:17
I wouldn't worry too much about taking the antibiotics - is it the same prescription that made you sick last time or have you told the doc so that she can record it on your notes not to give you that one again?

If you do take them, remember that you will probably feel grottier for the first couple of days whilst they get to work!

Childbirth - pain - actually tootache is worse LOL !

they already had it on record about me having bad turns with the meds so she gave me another one which she said is much more tolerated by a lot of people. she said its defo a bacterial infection haha. got lots of pain in cheeck and eye to. I also have a wisdom tooth coming through at moment :lac:. She was really nice about it all to me. She did say if i do take antio biotics and no difference to come back. but otherwise she said steam inhaltion and parectomal (she recorded my temp as 38.9 or something)
i do remember feeling grotty when u 1st start taking antio biotics. not sure whether to or not.

13-04-11, 05:09
Which ones did she give you?

Stephen Paul Davies
13-04-11, 06:11
Last December I had a really bad cold that lasted about a week. Then, In January this year I had another cold, and it is now April - I have had colds non stop ever since.:weep:

I have had a strong cough that has prevailed throughout the time, having used 3 courses of antibiotics. Now, I have severe back, shoulder and chest pains, and although the runny nose had stopped, again today my nose is tickly, I am sure my 5th cold is on it's way :'(

I have forgotten what it feels like to be without cold symptoms, and it is very depressing. The backpain is so bad I can't sleep at night :weep:

I sympathize with everyone here, these colds are getting stronger. What used to last 3 days now lasts 3 weeks. Please, please go away sucky colds!!!:weep:

13-04-11, 10:59
Which ones did she give you?

She gave me Clathrymicin (cant spell it) still deciding whether to have them or not. feel worse today. and eye is hurting me now.

Hi. i know. i had a mild cold which cleared and caused these infections! :(
I also have bad bad runny nose today. wiping my nose every two seconds on tissue. Couldnt breathe through it last night at all.

13-04-11, 11:25
Hi em.ma
If the doctor has said it your ear and sinus's are definately caused by a bacterial infection then you should take the anti-bs, your body would prob deal with itself eventually, but it will take longer. which anti-bs did you have a bad experience with? my son can not have penicillian so he is usually given erythromycin which is fine for him. I hate it when doctors give out anti-bs for viral infections as it just won't help, but if they said its bacterial then take them and hopefully you will start to feel beeter soon xx:)

13-04-11, 11:29
Hi, i cant have penicllin. so i had erythmicn last time and it made me throw up and gave me terrible indgestion pain. everyone in my class could hear my chest rumbling haha. i ended up on the floor in tears last time i took them. I now have indgestion still because of them. She said Clarthymic was much more toleareted by a lot of people.

13-04-11, 14:05
i also just looked at the back of my feet and there blue. one worse than the other. scared. i was walking around my friends house yesterday and the day before bare foot :@

13-04-11, 14:08
i also have on one foot a tiny brown dot

13-04-11, 16:17
eye is hurting now to. terrified im going to go blind.

13-04-11, 19:09
In lots of pain. Just spent the last hour nearly in tears lol so going to start anti biotics course. thing is im scared as there is yellow die in the which can cause dermatitis it says. i dont even know what it is but im worried. also short of breath coughing snot up, bad ear pain, cant talk properly, sore throat, punding head and head pains all over and eye pain and cant hear proplerly out of one ear.

13-04-11, 20:01
you've got a bad cold, it's unpleasant but harmless. The doctor gave you antibiotics for a reason so stop worrying about the side effects and start taking them.you should start to feel better within 24 hours once they get into your system.

13-04-11, 20:06
you've got a bad cold, it's unpleasant but harmless. The doctor gave you antibiotics for a reason so stop worrying about the side effects and start taking them.you should start to feel better within 24 hours once they get into your system.

Thanks, She did say i had a cold which cleared and this isnt a cold but a bad infection of some sort or other. just bout to take 1st tablet.. lets see if my tummy likes them! haha. :blush:

13-04-11, 21:39
Got shortness of breath n can feel heart and lungs pulsing at about 200mph. Also got weird feeling there n the rumbling in chest has started. Crikey lol

14-04-11, 11:39
i cant move out of bed this morning- all my body aches- took all my effort just to make a drink- my wisdom tooth kills- my cheek kills and my ear to- cant toucn my face because its just to painful. all night i was wiping my nose every two seocnds and ive been through five rolls of loo roll. my sinuses are painful and its killing me. i had to have my mum change my duvet cover twice in the night because my nose is so runny and i keep coughing and i cant talk because my throat hurts to much.

14-04-11, 12:42
i can feel the anti biotics affecting my tummy- i just know im going to be sick soon

14-04-11, 15:31
Also inside one nostril at the bottom is a squishly lump thing. I havnt moved oftje sofa it hurts to much n my whole body is aching and in pain ( on my phone at moment) also got the nubness dead thing in my last two fingers a few hours ago and get pain in hands to

14-04-11, 15:38

I am not sure what else you want us to say-you have a cold that has developed into an ear and sinus infection.

This is extremely common and nothing to worry about and you have already been given lots of advice.

14-04-11, 16:15
Thanks. I don't even know my self what I want people to say. I can't tell my parents as they just shout so it's just nice to rant sometimes. I also feel like I have something stuck in eye.0

14-04-11, 18:10
Finally got a bit of energy to get up n have something to eat then a bath :)
Still got the lower back pain were i get the spasms sometimes n pain in feet and hands were i get cramps and dead feelings/numbness a bit worried still and the feeling of something stuck in my eye is the most worrying thing at the moment but i think my stomach will react ok to these set of anti biotocs which is a good thing and im thank ful for that.