View Full Version : Feeling horrible all of a sudden :(

10-04-11, 22:21
Hey everyone, I feel like I'm in a bit of a state at the moment =/ The past couple of nights I've felt a kind of sharp pain in the lower right side of my stomach, just above my hip area. Now, to be honest with myself, it has only been on and of, relatively mild pain and it only seems to happen after about 9 o clock. That's probably enough clues right there as to what it really is.

However, about half an hour ago I needed to use the loo, and it hurt again whilst i was, you know...and there was even some pain in my anus area after passing. Then, just like that it seems I just started panicking about it all of a sudden and now I've convinced myself that it could be the dreaded appendicitis, and I've just shot my anxiety sky high worrying about it. Now I'm feeling rather sick and dizzy, and I have a lot of pressure in my head :( I had to sit down and close my eyes and sit by a window because I felt like I was going to pass out. I haven't felt this bad in a long time. It might just be the effects of two very late nights getting to me. I always find my anxiety is a lot worse when I am tired.

It sounds like absolutely nothing, but for some reason this time just really got to me all of a sudden. I feel a little better now that I've written this anyway. Don't really know how to finish it off though...what does this sound like to you, can this possibly just be a touch of IBS? I don't think I've really had it before... =/

10-04-11, 22:22
Sorry, that was a really badly written post. Hope you can all understand my anxious ramblings okay :p

10-04-11, 22:40
Something I've been wondering, can back pain in turn lead to stomach and abdominal pain? The truth is, the reason I have had two late nights of poor sleep is because I've found my bed to be very uncomfortable to lie in lately. It often leads to horrible aching pain in the middle and upper back. This in turn gives me a headache and makes me feel faint.

I think I may have just solved the problem.