View Full Version : Mums been intouch

12-04-06, 08:40
I recieved a text message from my mum yesterday saying "out of surgery,home in a couple of hours".
I never replied as I just figured she had texted the wrong phone.
Later I got another saying "home a bit sore but okay"
I replied with I think your texting the wrong phone.
I haven't heard from my mum since October last year.I don't know what to do or to think,I just keep thinking whats wrong my dad and sister too busy and she needs someone to look after bher or do some cleaning.
Later I recieved another text saying "I didn't want you finding out off anyone else"
Like who and tell me what,I don't see any of my family they all turned there back on me when I couldn't go see my sisters new baby,but none of them were talking to me before that they just used that against me.

Anyway its not like I could go running over now anyway.
Why do they just bob up every so often ?
Don't know what to do

12-04-06, 09:08
hey dawn!
so why did you and your family fall out?? maybe this is a sign she wants to reconcile?? how would you feel if that was the case?? could she just be gettin in touch coz she has no one else to care for her?? just be careful as you go- theres nothin much i can say except think about wot u want to do!!!
sorry for not being that helpful

12-04-06, 10:17
Hi Dawn

I dont know your situation with your Family but from your post would agree with ammeg and suggest it seems your mum is wanting to make things up with you, sometimes when people have behaved wrongly they use situations such as hopsital for example as a bridge for making contact as are too embarrassed to approach otherwise?

Hope it works out for you

Wendy x

12-04-06, 12:52
Hi Dawn.

Not sure what to say, seems a bit confusing. Perhaps you should give your mum a call and see what she has to say, ask her if she would like to meet up for a coffee and discuss things, if you've fallen out with her then say life is too short to fall out, she may aswell speak to you now or it could be too late later. Hope this helps.


P.S. She will come around sometime don't worry.

12-04-06, 14:46
Thankyou all for your comments,I wanted to ring my mum but how long will she want me for and what happens when she is better.
No doubt my STEPdad and my sister would have great fun in telling me how wrong I have been and how everything is my fault,maybe that is it they want me back as there is no-one to blame for all the family problems.
Deep down I cant help thinking she is missing my kids not me.
They still get birthday cards and christmas but it is like I have been erased from their lives and that is what really hurts.
It all started to go wrong when my daughter started to become a lady and I suddenly realised I didn't want that man around my child,he is a bad man and I was a tell tale if that makes any sense.
I am not willing to put her at risk no matter how many promises they make.

12-04-06, 15:23
dawn,have pm'd you,but want to add,you have every right to protect your daughter from your step dad,i wish someonr had protected me from mine.It never leaves you,when you have been abused,all we can do is stop it happening to another person.you are brave and wonderful,a fab mother too.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

12-04-06, 16:14
I can totally understand the "mother" thing. I'm sure mine is evil, honest.

All i can say is do whats right for you. I haven't been in touch with mine for 3 months, then before that was 2 years, and before that was another 2 years. I kept letting her back into my life, only for her to do something utterly unbelievable every time.

Do whats best for you hun. Tara xx