View Full Version : Not A Good Day

12-04-06, 08:54
Just thought I would post for some reassuring replies.

I am having a poo week.
I have been doing really well for a while now, but I had a bad weekend
with a fall out with my Mum etc, and now I just feel Rubbish.

I feel all Panicky again, Havent had a panic attack but have felt on the edge of one all week. My head and neck pains have come back and all I keep thinking is that this is it there is something seriously wrong with me, what if its a tumour or something??

I have my councilling again tomorrow, but last week I was doing so well I was concidering finishing my councilling, but now there is probably no chance of that.

Feel fightened and very tearful this morning, felt sad when my Boyf went to work, like I what if this was the last time I was gonna see him. I know its stupid and you prob all think I am daft.

Just confused at how I have been doing so well and now I feel like this.
Worry that it is my Body telling me there is something wrong.

Some reassurance may help :(:(:(

Hay x

12-04-06, 09:01
hey hayles!!
your not daft or stupid at all!!! unfortuatly i find this happens to me- i am goin so good and then anxiety jumps back up to bite me in the bum!!! but it will get better hun and im sure theres nothin wrong with u!! all you need to remeber is youve had a good strak and you can get there again!!! hope ive reasuured u a bit- i am not very good at this!!

12-04-06, 09:58
Thanks Ammeg.

Its funny how a little reassurnace can go along way
Oh and by the way totally agreed with you with the whole vernon and katyf thing earlier!!!!! xx

Hay x

12-04-06, 10:33
Hi Hayles

I totally know how you are feeling I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago I had been doing great then over the weekend my old friend 'anxiety' came back to visit me BIG STYLE!!!!!

Anyway hun just to try and reassure you I am now back on the straight and narrow - thank goodness. Try and tell youself this is just a blip and it will pass! Hope you feel better very soon.

Love Pinky

12-04-06, 13:21

Try not to worry hun and no we don't think your daft. What do you find relaxing? Because when your boyfriend goes or if you are feeling worried do something you enjoy or ring a friend and have a chat. Hope this helps.

x x

12-04-06, 14:20
Hi Hayles

This is just a blip and probably in response to stress following the arguments at the weekend.

I worry when people I care about are not around and, although I now deal with this much better than I used to, I worry more when I am stressed by other things.


I just give up! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2633)


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

12-04-06, 14:48
Thanks everyone for your responses.
It makes me feel so much better with just a few kind
words or reassurance....so thanks for taking the time

Hay x

12-04-06, 16:50
hello hayles,i agree with every one else,its a blip.the awfulthing about anxiety is we always remember the bad days and focus on them,WE ALL DO IT,it is much healthier ti focus on the positive,just seems harder doesn't it.This will pass and you will be on theupagain soon.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore