View Full Version : Advice on skin symptoms, please help !

11-04-11, 13:23
I'm literally at my wits end about my anxiety disorder now. Its so unpredictable and irrational its taking over me life. I wake up every morning with my heart in my throat and the nightmare just continues all day. I don't know how Im going to get through the day sometimes. On top of the usual heart racing, sweaty palms and tension headaches my skin has also been playing up lately so just wondering if anyone else gets the same problems?

I used to get a burning skin sensation on my stomach and shoulders, much like sunburn. Then in the ceases/rolls of my stomach the intense heat would start to causes redness and itchyness. Had to cool and moisturize in order to treat. This would happen randomly throughout the day and when taking a hot shower.

Now I'm just noticing tingling and itchyness that happens on my chest, arms, neck, knees, hands and feet. Sometimes on inspection and the odd scratch there is a tiny raised spot, never really in clusters just the one.

All these abnormalities have led me to have a serious obsession with my health and continually keep thinking the worst and wanting to see a Dr for the silliest of things.

My GP is useless and refuses to prescribe me anything but beta blockers have 6 visits. Really think something stronger is needed now so I've started taking my dads fluxotine, I know its stupid but Im at my wits end.

Can someone please offer some advice on how to take this and if they share my symptoms. Keep thinking im dying of some life threatening illness all the time and its really affecting my mental state now.


11-04-11, 13:46
Anxiety does cause skin itchiness ,it can also develop into excema .Avoid perfumed soaps and creams .Also try not to scratch as this can break the skin .I suffer with excema sometimes but since my Anxiety is under control it hasnt flared up .Try some Sudocrem and if it doesnt work go to the Dr and he may perscribe you some cortisone cream . As for advice about taking your Dads Medication ,I wont give you that im afraid .You should never take anyone elses Medication,Its been perscribed and the dose is made out for them .Your Dad will not have enough left for himself either .Im sorry you dont seem to be getting any help from your Dr .But I would definately go and see another one ,Failing that Change Drs or Practices .May be telling him what you have been doing ,will make him sit up and listen to how distressing all this has become .Stop taking your Dads medication immediately and seek your own help .All the best of luck Sue x:hugs:

11-04-11, 13:54
Thanks Sue

Ive never suffered with sensitive skin so its just so odd how its started now ? I've been given a perfume free moisturizer to use but its done nothing. I don't think its due to dryness but something else.

I know your right about the meds, Im only on Day 2 of the fluxotine so think il stop as Im starting to feel dizzy already. I say its my dads meds but he got given loads of them last year for a heart op but never took them as he's against them so its not like he'l miss them. Do you think if i mention this it will make my Dr see the extent of how Im feeling or just anger him as Ive gone against his recommendations ?

11-04-11, 14:09
Hi it could be the tabs causing this skin prob .as they can sometimes cause itchiness .Citalopram did me .It doesnt matter what your Dr thinks hun ,hes meant to be looking after you and he isnt ..Sometimes they just try and fob you off ,you have to be assertive .It will show how bad and desperate you are feeling ,If he isnt very sympathetic ,go see another DR at the practice .Or change Drs .Beta blockers only regulate the heart rate not the thoughts that are distressing you .You sound like you need some CBT AS WELL .Ask about that whilst you are there .All the Best sue x.