View Full Version : Eye Sockets!! just need some reasurrance please

11-04-11, 15:06
Hello, mainly i am feeling ok but my eye socket feels odd! a little bruised maybe and occasionally twitchy! not the eyeball but the eye socket!! its only on and off, not constant really but because im a bit anxious i have managed to convince myself that my eye is about to fall out!!!

Please reassure me1 what could this be?! i have slight sinus issues due to having a stupid cold on and off for a few weeks plus i think i have a little bit of hayfever. my hubby says im fine and my eyes look good, clear and white, not bloodshot and around the eyes are normal, not swollen ect its just occasionally for example i was doing the washing up and suddenly i felt a twang or twinge in my eye socket in the corner of my left eye near my nose! and now i keep feeling it!!

Help me,please xx

11-04-11, 15:55
First of all, don't rub your eyes as it will certainly make this feel worse! If you've had a cold and bad sinuses, it can certainly make your eyes uncomfortable as I've suffered from this many times myself. Twitchiness in your eyes seems to be very common if you're tired or anxious.

Eyes can't fall out of sockets on their own - the way the bone is designed means that this can't happen unless you have a massive injury to the eye, which you most certainly haven't had if your eyes look normal. If this persists for more than another week, get a doctor or an optician to have a look just in case, but I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

11-04-11, 16:31
As soon as I read your symptoms, I thought it must be something to do with your sinuses. Add hay fever to those, and anything can go on in your face and head and seem weird. I am sure you will be fine!