View Full Version : Panic is all bluff!!

12-04-06, 09:35
My car is in the garage at the moment, so i got a lift into work with my fiancee's grandad. He drives up the bypass at about 50 mph (about 10 mph faster than me!!), he's right over to the left away from the oncoming traffic (just like me!) and I still feel a bit panicky. I was thinking 'what if he has a heart attack and we crash?' and feeling an urge to grab hold of the steering wheel and drive into cars coming the other way.

On the way home I got a lift with another lad. He did 70 down the bypass and it was a white knuckle ride for me because I had an urge to open the door and get out. I felt quite stupid when we arrived home and he said he'd have to let me out because the child lock was on!!

I guess that because both them situations were quite new to me my anxiety levels were slightly higher and so I had the fight or flight response to try and get out of the situation.

I'm learning not to take it so seriously. It was good to be able to laugh about it in the end. I'm learning that these feelings stem from my own thoughts (and they are JUST thoughts), which I am actually in control of whether i believe it or not. I'm learning too that nothing is really that scary- the fear is all bluff. When you actually go and do these things there is nothing to them.

I did read somewhere that 96% (not exactly sure on the figure, but it was very high) of the things that we worry about never happen!!!!!

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

12-04-06, 09:47

Its good that you had a laugh about this and realise that nothing bad is going to happen to you, it mite even be a help to your anxiety as this is now two situations that you were afraid of that you got through and they caused you no harm - you could use them as examples to yourself in the future,

Hope today's drive is less stressful for you

Wendy x

12-04-06, 13:49

Ohhh WELL DONE you did great and should be soooo proud of yourself:D

The fligh or fight response is there for are own saftey. I read in a book that you are at yor strongest when this happens. I aslo read about a man who found his son stuck under a car and the flight or flight response happened, he feared soooo much for his child, he picked the car off him [:O]

When the respons is set off for what seems like NO danger, we fear it and question WHY and this is what keeps it going, are negative thoughts and are fears.

You are soooo right, its a bluff. I used to think about the man and his son and tell myself I am at my strongest, I can face anything.
It did not work at first becasue as we all know things take time and its dame hard changing those negative thought when are anxietys are very high.

As I said, you are doing great, Remember the mind is a very powerfull thing, it will get you where you want to be and that is feeling better.



When you fear something
learn as much about it as you can
Knowledge conqers fear.

12-04-06, 15:15
ooh you brave thing!well done[i would have freaked at the child lock]you have done so well to put it into perspective.i wish i could!gota go pick my daughter up laterand iam dreading it.you are right tho,the thought is much worse than the deed!bravo!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

12-04-06, 16:00

Yes, I agree with the others, you are so brave. I always feel more in control when I drive. If others drive I tend to freak, with me I think it is a control issue. I have actually tried to jump out of a moving car once because of panic - (that was before I was on my meds), good for you that you resisted. Luckily, my husband was able to both drive and stop me, don't know how he did it! I also can laugh about that incident now, but truly know where you are coming from.
