View Full Version : scan or x-ray??

11-04-11, 19:52
Im worried about my back, Ive done something to it a week and half ago and after a visit to the docs was told to avoid lifting anything. Im going back to the docs tomorrow as im realy worried about as it dosn't seem to be getting any better. My question is if my doc referred me would they x-ray it or put me in one of them horrible scanners?? X-ray would be fine but couldn't go into a scanner. Im really worried!


11-04-11, 22:36
x rays are not of much use for diagnosis back problems as they only show up the bones and most back problems originate from the soft tissue like discs and trapped nerves. Most Drs cannot send you for a mri scan until you have had a problem for at least 6 weeks as the body can heal itself in this time for acute back problems. mri is the best imaging for the spine and soft tissue. Before the use of mri scanners they used to do a spine x ray with dye called a myelogram but the dye itself was very risky and left alot of people with long term health problems so this is not offered now. Rarely it can be arranged for someone to have a general anaethetic to go in a mri scanner but this is not done if it can be avoided for obvious reasons.
Maybe you could go in an mri scanner if you were moderately sedated with diazepam - I have had 11 mri scans over past 10 years mostly for spine conditions and I can only do it with a moderate dose of diazepam so I can still walk and talk, just!
Its fairly early days for your back pain but see what your Dr says and good luck.

11-04-11, 22:45
if you can't get the MRI ask to be refereed to somewhere that has the open sided MRI machines, they should have an open MRI somewhere :)

11-04-11, 23:14
They won't refer you yet. Back injuries can take weeks to heal and you need to give it time.

11-04-11, 23:20
I was wondering along the lines of some sort of sedation for MRI? I am extremely nervous about going into one and I am hoping that they will sedate me (MRI will be a pelvis one). Can you request for this to happen?

11-04-11, 23:45
You need to pre-arrange the sedation with the hospital or your GP. They will not just do it on the day.