View Full Version : How am I suppose to wait 6 months for my CBT?

12-04-11, 12:32
Hi Everyone

I suffer from Emetophobia and Agrophobia and have done for most of my life. I kind of learnt to live with it but it has been getting worse and worse and resulted in me having to take time off work in November 2010.

I am back at work now but I have been allowed to work mainly from home as I only manage to go into work a couple of days a week.

My Doctor refered me for CBT and after the 5 weeks of waiting for my telephone assessment I have been told that I require high intense therapy and have been put on the waiting list. They esimate I will be on the waiting list for 3-6 months but it could be longer.

I just feel so sad that it is going to take so long for me to get the CBT. I have tried so hard to try and get better, in November I couldnt even leave the house so I have got so much better since then but it still has a huge imapct on my ability to do my job and my social life.

My work have been supportive but they must be getting so fed up of me, I feel under a huge amount of pressure to get better so I can go back to work properly and I am so worried about being made redundant.

I knew that there were long waiting lists for CBT but I just feel at a complete loss now about what I am supose to do. I am so desperate to get my life back but I dont think my life will wait for 6 months.

I really dont know what I am suppose to do :emot-fail:

12-04-11, 12:36
There are plenty of good CBT books or online courses: CBT4PANIC is to one I use, I found this online course more help than the 6 week NHS course I went on. So you don't have to wait.

macc noodle
12-04-11, 12:44
How are you supposed to wait is a damn good question! I have been waiting since August last year for my CBT appt with NHS (so now at 8 months) and am still waiting - have got an appt with my GP next Monday to see if she can hurry it up.

I have severe HA and, even worse, a real anxiety about hospitals/medical procedures/test/doctors/nurses the lot and I really need help to get this conquered because I am fearful that if I don't I will never ever cope if I need to have anything done.

12-04-11, 12:53
Thanks mohc-I have tried the online stuff and I do think it is good but I have so much trouble doing it without the support of having to see someone once a week to go through what I have done etc.

It is terrible isnt it Macc noodle-I wish I knew about CBT years ago and I would have asked my Doctor for it then.

I really hope you make some progress with your GP and that you get your CBT soon xx

13-04-11, 09:15
Another good online course is Living Life to the Full, as you can work through it at your own speed and there are plenty of assignments to do.

The waiting lists are a real problem though - I was lucky enough to be able to afford it privately this time, but it's probably cost me more than £500 in total.

13-04-11, 10:13
hi Kelly,

I know how you feel - I too am on the waiting list for CBT I got referred by docs weeks ago and have been signed off work since as I cant face going back due to the severe anxiety I have at the mo..I finally got a letter through to be told to call up and go on the list - what the hell I thought the doc put me on it 4 wks ago?! I called them and said about the list which she now said I could be looking a further 6-12 wks minimum! I dunno what to do at present as the Doc said I probably shouldnt go back until I have started the CBT..yet Im due back to work on the 26th of this month and I too feel under pressure to get back so Im going to have to drag myself whether I like it or not as god knows how long ill be waiting for the CBT to rear its head! I know the doc would just sign me off continuous but I feel I should try to go back as its going to get harder for me to get back into it again the longer I leave it - ive already 'created' an awful picture in my head of whats its going to be like when I do which doesnt help! my manager just said well why can you pay for it...?! knowing I already struggle with just about being afford to live!

Shame there is such a wait with these things - but knowing that there is must tell us something.....that there are sooo many people in the world like us and we are not the only ones I guess!

Hope you get things sorted soon :hugs:

13-04-11, 18:33
hi guys

this is my job and unfortunately we have seen a surge in people needing CBT therefore the waiting lists are getting longer

there are many good books out there to have a look at while your waiting or alternatively you can go on the living life to the full web site

hope this helps


13-04-11, 18:49
My Doctor said the same Ellis but it just isnt practical.

I keep thinking about paying for it myself but I am so unsure about my job at the moment and if I will be able to keep it-I totally need my savings to pay my mortgage incase I cant work. There is also no guarantee it will work as I ahve seen from some posts on this website so we could spent hundres of pounds and be no better off at the end of it.

I understand that the NHS in under huge pressure at the moment to cut costs but they totally need to provide more therapists. I live in quite a built up area and there is only one therapist to cover the whole area-how is that ok??

I would really recomemend to try and go back to work Ellis-I go in a couple of days a week at the moment and it was so hard to begin with but I know that it is something that I really need to do if I have any hope of getting better.

13-04-11, 19:52
unfortunately they have already started cutting therapists which i feel is a bad move the current climate will lead to more depression / anxiety how could it not!

13-04-11, 19:55
It is madness isnt it Sammie? Surely less therapists will mean more people end up quiting their jobs and going on benefits.

When I was well I use to spend so much money shopping-I could help the economy if I got better!

13-04-11, 20:19
A few audiobooks you might like to listen to - maybe worth a try? Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies & CBT for Dummies (I dont like the 'dummies' bit,lol!) and theres a book now on CD called Overcoming Panic and Agoraphobia. Try and stay positive, your doing really well managing to get to work even though you feel so bad. Good Luck x

13-04-11, 22:12
Thanks Day Dreamer, I know that I really need to help myself it is just so hard sometimes as I am sure everyone on here understands.


14-04-11, 12:27
Yes I totally understand! At the start you feel that you need help with it all as its just too much to try and concquer on your own, Ive been there and know exactly how you feel. Im sure the CBT will help and I know that the waiting gets you down but in the meantime it wont do you any harm to get as clued up on the type of stuff your going to be doing with a therapist by listening/reading to as many books as you can. Try and stay positive x

14-04-11, 15:49
Hi kelly, as others have said i think getting some books in and "doing it yourself' would be a great way to go at least until you get some cbt sessions.

the book in my signature below helped me immeasurably and there's also this brand new one (one month old) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mindful-Way-Through-Anxiety-Chronic/dp/1606234641/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1302792313&sr=8-1 it has quite a few 5 star reviews on the american amazon site already.

If i were you i would avoid just raw cbt books and buy a book/s that are anxiety specific but have cbt elements in them. I bought cbt for dummies when i first became ill and i found it very dry and hard to get through. The anxiety specific books tend to be alot more comforting and kind. That's just my opinion anyway, maybe it worked the other way for other people.

good luck :)

14-04-11, 17:09
Thanks Daydreamer and Idstain.

I've been given some great advice which I intend to follow!! xx

14-04-11, 17:26
I'm having to wait ages too. It sucks , and self help materials good but I need someone ther to guide me and push me through it !

14-04-11, 17:34
I feel exactly the same Daveee, I think having that extra push and guidance makes a huge difference.

It is like home study compared to learning a course in the classroom with a teacher. It is easy not to do the homework and put the hours into it when you are setting your own goals and not having someone there to tell you off!

14-04-11, 17:41
Exactly ! Perfect example, I think the only other way I can make it work is by paying for self help stuff. At least that way I'll have getting my moneys worth as motivation. Not meaning to sound stingy !

14-04-11, 17:54
i waited even longer than 6 months for mine and after all the waiting the woman i was meant to see moved offices after 3 sessions. to somewhere i couldnt get to so now i am trying to get through it on meds. i was quite disappointed x

15-04-11, 21:39
My Doctor said the same Ellis but it just isnt practical.

I keep thinking about paying for it myself but I am so unsure about my job at the moment and if I will be able to keep it-I totally need my savings to pay my mortgage incase I cant work. There is also no guarantee it will work as I ahve seen from some posts on this website so we could spent hundres of pounds and be no better off at the end of it.

I understand that the NHS in under huge pressure at the moment to cut costs but they totally need to provide more therapists. I live in quite a built up area and there is only one therapist to cover the whole area-how is that ok??

I would really recomemend to try and go back to work Ellis-I go in a couple of days a week at the moment and it was so hard to begin with but I know that it is something that I really need to do if I have any hope of getting better.

Hi Kel,

Well Ive been back to docs - and she has suggested same as you that I dont go back full time (and end up wearing myself down again which will inevitibly end up having me signed off again - which wil do me no favours no my employe!) so we dicussed about me going back in a few days a week and maybe shorter hours, ease myself in gradually - ive got to talk to my boss monday about it (which I feel anxious about) but surely this is better for everyone and I do want to try and go back cause the longer I leave it the harder it will be! So petrified but just need to get day 1 over with, and all the where u been, how are you questions I guess...without getting into any kind of attack would be nice - but I like youknow I need to if I have any chance of getting better and getting some sense of normality back in my life!

15-04-11, 21:59
Sorry I missed your message yesterday Alfie. That is terrible, I hope you manage to get your cbt soon.

15-04-11, 22:04
I think it is definitely better to try and go to work if possible Ellis, I agree that it wOnt help at all just being at home. I've managed to get into work a few days a week now but I can't seem to get any further than that and I guess I was relying on the cbt to help me break through that wall.
It was hard when I first went back to work but you just need to really make yourself do it and I promise you will be able to do it.

15-04-11, 22:24
I was put on the list in June last year when I had a blip. I am still waiting lol

I don't need it now as it happens as I sorted things out on my own!

15-04-11, 22:34
That is great you managed to do it without the cbt, I am hoping to do the same. I am determined not to use the wait as an excuse to not try and help myself!!

15-04-11, 22:46
Kells - I have had CBT before so I know what to do I just had to do it lol. I knew the wait would be long so I just started back at basics with what I knew again.

16-04-11, 20:38
I think it is definitely better to try and go to work if possible Ellis, I agree that it wOnt help at all just being at home. I've managed to get into work a few days a week now but I can't seem to get any further than that and I guess I was relying on the cbt to help me break through that wall.
It was hard when I first went back to work but you just need to really make yourself do it and I promise you will be able to do it.

Thanks Kelly, yeah your right and I do want to try once I get that initial day over going back hopefully il be ok! I do feel ive improved but is that cause ive not been at work?? who knows, but fingers crossed I can do this!

16-04-11, 21:00
I had quite a long wait for CBT also and during my wait I read
The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook (Anxiety & Phobia Workbook)
Edmund J. Bourne (Author)

To be honest the format of my CBT was almost identical to this book. So you could start doing the ground work now.

Good luck and I hope you get your CBT soon.


PS Don't waste your money on CBT for dummies, far too much theory not enough practical help for me.

16-04-11, 22:43
ive had to wait 18months, got letter through asking me atend but cant as cant get to end of road let alone a bus drive away, tried calling but no luck as of yet. am getting bit peed with it all as no1 seems to understand when you talk to them that u cant do this, which is the reason you need therapy. if could get on a bus to go there then i wouldnt need to wait 18 months :(