View Full Version : Vomiting in the mornings

12-04-11, 13:53
Hi Guys,

I've been really ill for the past couple of weeks. Caught a tummy bug from my brother's kids which caused me to vomit a lot as well as some other nasty symptoms. I've lost quite a lot of weight because of it. Now I'm feeling very much back to my old self again except I'm still vomiting. It's normally in the morning, just before work.

Now before I got ill, I'd not long bought a car and I'm wondering if the vomiting is just my anxiety due to getting a car.

What do you think? And has anyone got any suggestions as to control the vomiting?

Thanks in advance for your comments,

12-04-11, 13:57
Oh poor you - I get nauseated when anxious, it sucks. Do you actually feel anxious before you get in the car? And do you have a tendency towards feeling sick when you are anxious anyway?

12-04-11, 14:24
Yeah, I don't always feel anxious before driving but sometimes.

I dont tend to feel sick either. Some mornings I get like this cahhtar thing in my throat and that causes me to cough a lot and majority of the time I am sick, but sometimes it will just come out of the blue, with no warning.

The vomating itself when I am anxious is what I can only describe as bile.

Apologies for having to go into detail.

12-04-11, 14:25
have you thought of the possibility you could be pregnant?

12-04-11, 16:37
First thing I did was to check that and no, not pregnant. :)

15-04-11, 12:18
Still no better, been sick every morning this week and it's just bile. It's horrible. Today was the worst. I didn't feel anxious, it just suddenly came. It always starts with a massive burp and then just uncontrolable reching until I'm sick. I'm having to get up for work much earlier to allow for this sickness, otherwise I'm late for work.

Are there any remedies to control the sickness. Anxiety is difficult enough but the sickness is just horrible. Especially because it comes out of no where.

15-04-11, 12:40
Hi Ama. It might be worth running your symptoms by your GP, esp. as you don't actually feel anxious. Gastritis can make you sick, esp. in the mornings, for example.

I take Motilium for nausea, which is available over the counter. It's an anti-emetic. Have you tried antacids (Gaviscon) at all?

17-04-11, 10:10
Thanks for your reply Dahila.

I've been sick for the past three weeks now. The first two weeks I was ill with a tummy bug. At the end of the first week I saw my GP who said it was a tummy bug as I had other symptoms. Didn't give me anything, just told me to rest and watch what I ate. By the end of the second week I went back to see my doctor as my other symptoms had gone but the sickness was still there. Due to my pee looking a big cloudy he gave me some cetraplin (I think it was that), he said it should stop the sickness. I was taking these tablets 3 times a day but it was proving difficult as I would have a tablet in the morning and then end up being sick so I'm not sure they were taking proper effect.

My brother has in fact been ill with Gastric flu. Is that the same as Gastritis so it could be this, although having seen my doctor twice, if it was this I would have thought he would have picked up on this?

I've not tried antacids before. Didn't know Gaviscon was for sickness to be honest. It it meant to get rid of the acids in your body? The bile stuff I've been getting?

I'll see how this week goes. Might pop back to see my GP I think.

17-04-11, 13:00
Well the main reason I mentioned Gaviscon was in case it's gastritis. Gastritis can make you feel sick and sometimes vomit. It isn't infectious, so it's not what your brother had (although it has similar symptoms). You usually get acid pain with it, but you can just feel sick. It's fairly common for people with anxiety to have it. I've had it, and often dry retched in the mornings about an hour after I got up. Obviously your GP will need to diagnosis it, these are just my thoughts.

Let us know how you go this week. Vomiting every morning is not nice and must be getting you down.