View Full Version : Sore all over and bad anxiety

12-04-11, 14:01
These last few weeks Ive had bad backache and tops of thighs, bum, feel achy and sore. Also have had stiff neck and shoulder pain. Been putting it down to standing all day at work, lifting tables at work, hoovering, basically looking for any reason for why I have it. I'm also dead tired. Ive had my 4yr old niece staying for last few days while her mum has exams and although I love her to bits she is really really hyper and my nerves are frayed. Also been feeling very anxious and a bit tearful. Keep wondering if there is something sinister wrong with me causing the muscle pain. I feel like an old woman getting out of bed as the pain is worse in morning. Im only 40. Has anybody ever felt like this?