View Full Version : My hair is falling out...

paula lynne
12-04-11, 15:12
Hi guys, for those of you who know me, Im currently awaiting the results of a blood test for hypothyroidism, which my mam had (she was diagnosed aged 58). Also, I await a repeat of a full blood count due to elevated white blood cells.

My hair is getting beyond a joke. Its naturally curly, but i only use the straighteners twice a week, always let it dry naturally. and use lots of conditioner. But its so thin.....its looking silly now because its see through and Im tempted to have it cut off really short.

I was wondering if any of you had any tips how I can improve its condition? It probably falls out a bit more now than previously...has anyone tried those thickening shampoos...I know they are expensive...and why are womens products so much more expensive than the mens stuff?

My diet is good, I eat lots of fish, and loads of veg. Not keen on fruit tho.

Id welcome any tips here....Im only 40 but the condition of my hair is pretty bad. I have a hairdresser do my roots only every 8 weeks as my hair is slow growing, and she uses amonia free dye.

Thanks all in advance.

Paula x:) (dont say beer...I will drink it...dont say raw egg...I will make a fritatta!) :winks:

12-04-11, 15:39
HI Paula,
sorry about your hair thinning problem ..............it is upsetting indeed and I feel for you.:hugs:
Sounds as though your thyroid could be to blame and hope the blood tests come back soon . Also oestrogen and progesterone imbalance can cause this ...any hormone upset like pregnancy ,birth perimenopause etc .......although you are young to be having that !!
my friend has had the same trouble and it is linked to her periods and mild endometriosis ...........she found something on net which helped so will ask her and pm you with it .
elvive hair thickening shampoo is good and not dear .
perhaps ask doc for hormone blood check next time Paula if you can stand more investigation blood wise .........it is anxiety inducing I know .:blush:
hope someone comes along with some good lotion or potion .
laughed at the frittata idea though .............frying pan out and pint glass for beer :D:D..........might patent that idea if it works .x

12-04-11, 17:52
Paula you will find plenty of useful info on this link .The vitamin section is helpful .luv Sue x www.stophairlossnow.co.uk (http://www.stophairlossnow.co.uk)

12-04-11, 18:02
Sweetie chick, nothing wrong with being diagnosed with thyroid issues. I was about 31 when I was diagnosed. It runs in my family too. Don't worry, once they sort your meds out things will get better quite quickly.

Wait and see what your test results say.


12-04-11, 18:03
I have heard that the Umberto Gianni range is effective and not as pricey as other hair thickening products. You can get it from Boots. I think that thyroid problems can cause this so if you are diagnosed and then treated it may rectify itself. x

Hazel B
12-04-11, 19:49
Sorry to read this Paula.

I too have very curly hair and my hairdresser tells me not to straighten it more than once a week. Mind you, when it's straight I can leave it for a week anyway, as it is dry and does not ever look greasy. I was also advised to have plenty of EFA's (essential fatty acids) and protein in my diet to keep my hair strong.

Hope those blood results come back soon, then you will know if there's anything underlying.:hugs:

macc noodle
12-04-11, 20:07

Try not to worry too much about your hair until you know what the results from doc are.

Chances are the hair prob is being caused by your thyroid and once they get the meds sorted, your hair should improve - if not, then try the shampoos recommended (I had really bad hair loss whilst suffering PND and I tried any number of shampoos and potions - all to no avail - but once my meds kicked in, it started to grow thickly again).


paula lynne
12-04-11, 22:20
Thanks all, have another blooming migraine at the mo and my first panic attack in 5 mnthes but I promise I will reply to you yomorrow. Blooming ekk...just when you think its over with it bites you on the bum...nite all, many thanks x

paula lynne
13-04-11, 09:32
Thanks for the link and all your suggestions ladies, I will definately look into them. I guess worrying about my hair loss isnt going to help so Im going to knock that on the head now too...cheers all! :)

Hazel B
13-04-11, 16:42

I've read that stress can make it worse, not easy to keep it in check though!