View Full Version : Time for a back seat, goodbye for now

12-04-11, 16:31
Just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you who have supported me on my journey, this website has completely saved me, well certain individuals within the community have...

I hope soon to start volunteering with The Samaritans, to try and start building my experience to eventually work in mental health. I've got the biggest challenge to come so far at the end of May when I attend a Wedding... a food phobic's nightmare!

I hope you know who you are who I am thanking, your support has meant the world to me... the kindness you have shown to me has been self-less and has warmed my cockles... I'll miss you all.. if you'd like to keep in touch please PM me x

I think for now it's time for me to take a back seat here.

Keep fighting the fight instead of each other... anxiety is a demon and the NMP can battle it with each other to depend upon and support each other.

What can I say... it's been emotional!

Take care one and all... from the new acclaimed "Advanced Member" - only just noticed!!


Hazel B
12-04-11, 17:01
Take care and I hope you go from strength to strength.:)

paula lynne
12-04-11, 18:04
I will miss you Amber, Ive followed you for ages and seen the massive progress youve made......if you need a break, thats fine. Sometimes a break is just what the doctor ordered.......you are going to do fine with the Samaritans, and any work in mental health...you would be an asset. Sometimes its important to take a step back and just "be"......keep in touch x:)

13-04-11, 09:32
Thank you Hazel, of course you are one of those amazing supportive people i have spoken about!! I hope you are doing well too :hugs: Thank you for everything you have given me, words of wisdom and hugs they have helped me no end.

Ah my lovely Paula... as usual you have completely hit the nail on the head :hugs:. How do you do it! I definitely need to just "be". Hopefully I will feel ready to come back one day. But for now it is better to take a step back I think. You have been amazing. You are such a special lady. You give and give (you know that's your problem:winks:)... this forum would be nothing without people like you, and Hazel!!

You have all been amazing, thank you so much. I just hope I have given a little back of what you have all given to me!


15-04-11, 09:30
Thank you for your support, you have been such a help to me. I wish you so much happiness and hope you will keep in touch and let us know how you are doing! xx

15-04-11, 11:22
Hi Amber,

thats great news about joining the samaritians, well done, sorry to see you leave, I will miss you too.

hope you will come back and let us know how your doing, and we are here for you if you need us.


Yvonne :hugs:

16-04-11, 02:34
aw well done :) your posts have always inspired and wish the best for you in life :hugs:

16-04-11, 12:40
I'm very sad that the forum has lost someone as positive and inspiring as Amber, someone who made a huge effort to get out there and do something about her issues. IMO the forum needs more of that, not less. This is not a criticism of Nic and her team, they don't control what is posted, but there's just seems to be so much on here these days that goes round in circles and can't be helping anybody :sad: