View Full Version : doing voluntary work

Granny Primark
12-04-11, 19:53
Bless me dear old uncle that will be 80 next month but looks and acts 50.
Hes been really worried about me cus ive been so down.
Hes given up giving me lectures but hes put me in touch with someone that has given me a voluntary job.
Its in a charity shop.
It seems like a meeting place that has its own little community.
Everyones so friendly and I can choose when I work and even just call in for a cuppa.
Ive truly hit rock bottom. I havent been able to eat properly since oct last year.
Lets hope this gives me some quality of life back cus ive been so down ive woke up but didnt want to open my eyes.
Today ive met someone who has gone thru what im going thru now and he and me really got on together.
I just hope this is the start of better things.
Me hubby feels hes lost his wife cus of my severe depression. Im just hoping thats the case.

macc noodle
12-04-11, 20:01
Good day then Lynn! Excellent - how fab to have found someone who really knows what you are going through and you can chat with - should help you both.

Vounteering is a great thing to do - giving of yourself and also getting something back in return - way to go Lynn - I am sure that this is you on the way to recovery :D

Onward and upward

