View Full Version : Been gone for a while

12-04-11, 20:01
I've not been on here for quite a while now, but felt the need to return. Saw a new psychiatrist last month, have been re-diagnosed & also had my meds altered. New psychiatrist thinks rather than having depression with anxiety I have G.A.D with depression, he also thinks the sertraline is no longer working as well as it used to, so am off that & on venlafaxine. I was surprised at the generalised anxiety element, as I've previously been told (and it is startlingly obvious imho) that I have social anxiety & agoraphobia.

During my time away from the forums I managed to study part-time at university (philosophy) but due to getting worse again it looks like I'll have to give that up :sad:

Anyway, am struggling to think straight atm due to either sertraline withdrawal or adjusting to doubling my venlafaxine dosage just yesterday (as posted here (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=93440)), so hello & sorry I'm kind of lacking on the whole info/conversational front.

Vanilla Sky
12-04-11, 21:20
Welcome back :)

Paige xx