View Full Version : Digestion Problems

12-04-11, 22:14
Hello all, hope everybody is okay.

For the past year, i've had what I think is directly associated with my anxiety. I have bad urges right after I get up to have a bowel movement. This goes on for about 2 hours after I wake up or until I "clear" everything out. This started when my parents left for vacation last year and I was left alone in my house. It was an anxious time

It is not usually watery, just very loose and or soft. I cannot digest things I once could as easily and sometimes I am very gassy. There is always visible amounts of mucus and undigested food in my stool. I went to the Dr. last year and was told I probably have IBS. They took blood and I was told everything looks ok.

Is there anything that could terminally be wrong? I feel that if I were to check into the Doctors again, they'll tell me its just IBS.

Does anxiety cause these IBS like symptoms?

12-04-11, 22:22

Have a read of this it may help...


13-04-11, 08:16
Sounds like typical IBS to me being made worse by Anxiety...a friend of mine was diagnosed with it and had the same symptoms, although his was a lot worse! Did you have a stool sample taken as well?.....Maybe think about your diet?