View Full Version : had this for weeks now, cant be right? can anyone relate please

12-04-11, 22:33
Hi Everyone xx

For a few months now i have this constant "inner trembling" 24/7 its not as bad that you can see the tremble on my hands but i feel it internally almost all the time. Doc gave me half inderal la 80mg tabs but im too scared to take them. Normally after a week or so my anxiety symptoms will fade and then go away until i get the next "wave" but it hasnt gone away this time and this is making me terrified that its not anxiety at all and something very serious :'(

i also feel this weird thing - like i can "feel" my blood circulating round my body, i dont know if its connected to the trembling or not i just know its just as worrying in my head anyway :'(

my head is mush :scared15:

13-04-11, 01:18
Help anyone !!

13-04-11, 01:56
I cant sleep- I'm so worried about this the trembling seems to be getting stronger :( what am I going to do? :(

13-04-11, 02:37
Hi, Are you sure this is not just adrenalin in your body and anxiety caused by you thinking about it constantly?

13-04-11, 04:52
Well mine started one morning a few years ago, a buzzing, shaking sensation inside my left arm, I get it everywhere now and most of the time pretty used to it.
But the first time it happened I panicked, it was new and scary now its more of an annoyance when ever I get it.
It's very common, some b vitamins might help though.

13-04-11, 08:04
I agree with LucyR...Adrenalin can have some wierd effects on the body and as we're tense and anxious our body is leaking it into our systems constantly. This could be making the trembling sensation worse and therefore realising more Adrenalin....and so the cycle continues.....

14-04-11, 22:38
i get this trembling inside me all the time and when i've explained it to any1 they look at me like am a looney am glad i now now that its just adrenalin but i have it 24/7 and it never seems to fade away but i find the more i think about it or try to get rid of it etc it just comes on stronger x

04-05-12, 20:07
I was exactly the same as you.... Trembling uncontrollably, slipping into panic attacks unexpectedly, panicking about panicking basically which was a vicious cycle!! My doctor saved my life and gave me Half Inderal LA 80mg and I was given my life back. I only took it for one day and I felt better straight away.. Stopped feeling like I was going insane. Don't be afraid of this drug, it is there for anxiety and it sure works! I would recommend it... But only take it when you really really need it... Don't take it for the sake of it.. I was also combining it with Kalms which you can do and this really chills you out.
Best of luck to you... I know how it feels to be a prisoner in your own body x