View Full Version : Blackouts/Fainting

12-04-11, 23:23
On Saturday I was at a concert and after resting for about half a hour I got up to go to the toilet and ended up blacking out , I'm not sure exactly how long it lasted but it seemed a while

I just seemed to go blind for a while and also the usual fainting experience...this has happned to me twice before about a year ago.

The paramedics seemed to put this down to alcohol/drugs... i'd only had 6 glasses of small beers though and the times it happened before i'd had none?

I really was not feeling anxious at all on the day but I do suffer from it quite badly

Ever since it I hav felt dizzy and had a weird feeling on the one side of my head that comes and goes, also my eyes feel 'heavy'

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I really do feel terrible and it's sent my anxiety even worse...the last time I went to the doctors they put it down to an 'inner ear infection' amongst other stuff...but I just can't help but think it's something worse...

I've had dizzyness now for about 5 years and serious anxiety for the last 2 ...some days worse than others :(

this saturday was the worse experience ever though, I really felt I was going to die

12-04-11, 23:27
hi, my neighbour does this she doesnt have anxiety but doc said stress cabn cause it she has a lot of problems not that you do, hers are nowe being assessed for low blood pressure.

all i mean is stress can cause it according to her doc xz

13-04-11, 01:13
well if you were sitting down, you blood pressure then fell when you stood up.
I get this a lot, head rush, never fainted yet, but my vision goes dark ,if I don't sit down or hold on to something my legs just give way.
I don't know if the drink played any part, might have played a small role in your fainting depending on how it might have affected your blood pressure and so on.
some people too are more prone to fainting.
I would mention this to your doctor, your symptoms and get a proper check up.
maybe your low in the b vitamins or something, we need more of them when we are stressed.