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12-04-06, 14:10
I felt ok when i woke up, i have got a cold but i werent feeling too lightheaded, then right out the blue i started getting hot flushed and feeling so crap like i was gonna faint i sat down and i wwasnt hot anymore but ive still got that feeling of unsteadyness. Can anxiety just hit us even if we try our best not to think about it? im really scared today x

12-04-06, 14:36
Hi there,
sorry you are feeling so bad lately. Yes, anxiety can do all sort of horrible things to us, even if we think we are coping. You mentioned you have got a nasty cold, that would be the reason for hot and cold flushes. Are you eating ok at the moment, cos that can make you feel light headed? Dizziness has always been my main symptom and it scares us to death, but it is anxiety that causes it, then we become frightened and then the dizzyness increases, sorry no help, but just to tell you that you will not faint, you will not have a heart attack, spoil yourself whilst you're not well, and eat and drink well. take care and keep in touch x

12-04-06, 14:51

Your just a bit run down and ill.
I find my anxiety is always at its most when I am
ill or over tired. Just relacx and like Carlin
says pamper yurself why your ill.

Watch a movie eat some galaxy and I always find when I feel dizzy a hot water bottle is always a comfort...(I know Im weird lol)

Hope you feel better

Hay x

12-04-06, 15:29

I too think anxiety is at its worst when we aren't feeling well, but I think it can hit you out of the blue at any time. Hope you feel better soon.


12-04-06, 15:35
hi katy,sorry you are poorly sweetie.You know in your heart how panic effects you[and all of us]it's te comung out of the blue that is the scarey part!go back and lok at symptoms again it will reassure you.wrap up warm and get wel soon.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

12-04-06, 16:42
Hi Katy, I am sorry you are feeling like this today and I hope it passes soon and you start to feel better!