View Full Version : is this a pan attack

13-04-11, 17:09
hi guys
does this sound like a panic attack i was just sitting there when i had a feeling like i could not breath then my body went red hot i did some deep breathing then went to listen to my relaxation i felt it coming on again so i got my blood pressure monitor out and it was quite normal and a pulse rate of 90 . does ur blood pressure go sky high with a pan attack or ur heart rate go wild i am on 5mg of blood pressure tabs i wonder if they hold it back . all so iv heard pan attacks come on when u fear something but i don't feel fear i am worrying about lack of work and iv had a lot of anxiety for the last couple of wks.

13-04-11, 17:34
It's more an anxiety attack, a full blown panic attack has a pounding heart. You probably fear the anxiety symptoms rather than anything specific and this is what is fuelling the attack.

15-04-11, 04:13
I think panic attacks vary from person to person. I dont get the racing heart but I also wouldnt be able to physically get up and check my BP. Everyones body works in different ways. I shake and shake and shake, feel very hot and my vision and hearing goes strange. If you are worried about any symptoms please see your doctor :)