View Full Version : Does anyone else get this?

Natalie x
13-04-11, 22:50
Hi. Just wondering if anyone ever gets like a weird shaky feeling inside them? I kept getting this the other day but not sure if it was because i was busy in work. Also, does anyone ever get like a sharp, pulsing pain in the one side of their head? Thanks x

14-04-11, 12:00
Hi. Just wondering if anyone ever gets like a weird shaky feeling inside them? I kept getting this the other day but not sure if it was because i was busy in work. Also, does anyone ever get like a sharp, pulsing pain in the one side of their head? Thanks x

Hi Natalie

I get this, like something inside is vibrating/shaking. It's really weird! I have no clue what it is or what it might be! I get sharp pains in my neck just below my jaw and sometimes in my head too.

I know this isn't much help but just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one!

Take care x

14-04-11, 16:15
I get this shakey feeling all the time (have it right now) i always describe it like my insides are vibrating or rattling ive had it alll day today just feel really weird and shakey with a scarey feeling like something is about to happen to me

14-04-11, 19:51
I have had this it lasted for about four weeks ! It is very scary and my doctor told me it was the adreline rush through my body that was causing it !! Hopefully it will subside in time:hugs:

14-04-11, 22:28
Hi Natalie,

all my recent posts have been about this exact thing!! A internal trembling that just wont go away :(
ive had it since the beginning of february every single day and its wearing me out, its just 24/7 in the background, worse when im in bed and first thing in the morning, it lessens throughout the day but never goes away altogether.
Doctor says its anxiety and gave me half inderal la 80mg tablets but i cant take them as im too scared to, they slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure and ive convinced myself that this will be catastrophic for me and ive put a mental block on all medications. :( wish i could take them to see if it goes away as im so depressed with it.
Im terrified its not anxiety and its something awful :(

15-04-11, 10:22
i've just found this forum for this exact reason. This buzzing feeling, vibrating feeling has taken over my life. Im 5 mths pregnant with a toddler and living on about 2 hrs sleep a night. It's driving me mad. I have it mostly at night or whenever I try to sleep and its getting worse. My doctor thinks im crazy and maybe I am, but before this I was a normal happy girl and now this has taken over...I hate it so know exactly how ur feeling xx

15-04-11, 10:30
Hi Natalie,
I also get exactly the same thing. The shaking/vibrating feeling drives me mad. I find the best thing for me to do is to keep busy, but that is very difficult because sometimes it gets so bad my whole body shakes like a leaf! The doctor also told me this is due to adrenaline. Wish there was something that would just make it go away though!!
I get a strange sharp pulsing pain that goes through my head at times, had it earlier, and my first thought was brain tumour. Then followed a arguement with my head that its not a bloomin brain tumour and its just the anxiety.
Take care.
Ellie. Xx