View Full Version : Wish I could get over this

14-04-11, 02:20
Hey guys, I'll try to keep this short and simple.

Basically, I've become a hypochondriac since September of last year. I really don't know how or why this happened, but one day I thought I had testicular cancer and it's been down hill since then.

I've been wrong in all of my 'diagnosis'... and there's been quite a few.

The new one is schizophrenia.

I've been battling depression, having no social life, and anxiety basically most of teen/adult life (20). I mean, I never had any trouble making friends, I never felt different, people describe me as being "shy" or anti social, but I kinda resent that. I'm trying to change all of this and become more outgoing and actually start living. I'm done being like this.

But here's a problem with all of this.

I just can't get rid of this fear that I have, or may become a schizophrenic. This is becoming the toughest fear I've ever dealt with. And it's really ruinging all my goals and plans I have for myself.

My symptoms are: (keep in mind all of this started after I feared this illness, or even read about it)

- Hearing tricks. Sometimes I 'think' I'll hear my phone ring, sometimes I think I hear my turn signal on while driving, but it isn't, and I've had instances where I've heard the Xbox 360 achievement noise at random times of the day. All of this happens when there's background noise. I hope I never get this while being in complete silence or I'll literally freak out.

- More floaters and visual crap. But here's what I fear most... At night, after a long day on the computer (reading stupid things that only feed my anxiety) sometimes I'll lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, and I notice some moving shadows/floaters in my vision... Like I'll try to focus on one part and my vision gets all messed up and blurry I guess. It mostly happens through my peripherals, and I find I can get of them simply by looking somewhere else. I read that these are floaters... but you know me... assume the worse. I don't see shadow people.

- Peripheral tricks... a case of mistaking things at first glance. Like confusing a yellow fire hydrant with someone in a yellow coat.

So there it is. I've been experiencing these symptoms since December/January. And I'm still fine. But this fear really takes a toll on me.

Please be honest with me, I've seen a therapist for my issues and mentioned the fear I have and he didn't assure me or anything. Are these signs of early schizophrenia? I have no family history of it.

Thank you for reading.
wtfwtf (http://www.psychforums.com/wtfwtf-u62675/) Consumer 0
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