View Full Version : weather and panic

12-04-06, 16:30
does anyone get more panicky depending on the weather? sounds odd im sure lol. for example, today its over cast and has that thick white cloud. i always feel out of breath when its like this, which leads to feelings of panic nearly all day.
the other day the sky was black with rain clouds (that i mistook for thunder clouds) and a feeling of utter panic washed over me untill i realised it was indeed not thunder but rain. im petrified of thunder-more since i had my little one two years ago. i try to rationalise it but to no avail. when it thunders i have to sit thru the panic and im exhausted afterwards. i disconnect the tv pc etc and wont even sit on the loo for fear i'll get struck!
urgh i hate panic

12-04-06, 16:45
i get more panicky when it is hot or humid,cant get my breath etc.Yes i hate panic too,it sucks!Have you tried paul mckenna cd's hey are very good 4 phobias,such as thunder.Give them a try.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

12-04-06, 16:49
Weather doesn't really bother me, but I do get more anxious and panicky when it gets too hot (I'm definatly a winter person). I think its because I associate being hot with being sick and I hate being sick.
Take care
Love Helen

12-04-06, 19:36
Hi Sassy

I get very panicky when i think it's gonna thunder & lightening, i can't stand it, and like you i go around the house turning everything off and i wouldn't go near a window, if i have to my eyes are firmly shut![:I]:)

12-04-06, 19:54
mary rose..i panic when its humid :) i will try paul mckennas cds, thanks x trish..im the same, if its a night, i cant bear the lightening..its far worse than the thunder. or i worry about the kids being upstairs in case the house gets struck and collapses. im sure its sometimes the responsibility of raising 4 kids alone that makes me like this.

12-04-06, 19:55
Try this post as well...

A Fear of the Weather! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4117)
