View Full Version : Going for a cuppa, quite nervous!

14-04-11, 07:49
My neighbour has invited me and my eldest girl round for a cuppa this morning, it should be nice as my girl can play with her irls and make new friends, but im really nervous!

My head feels heavy, i feel a bit sick and im anxious!! i dont know why, she only loves 2 doors away so its not like im going far and we wont be there for long and she is a nice lady yet im bricking it!!

Just need some kind reasurring words please lol

macc noodle
14-04-11, 08:51
Enjoy your cuppa m'dear - all will be fine. :)

Just go with the flow and enjoy - it is great to have neighbours you can socialise with and especially good for the kids ................................. relax and enjoy. (You know what hun, she might be as nervous as you too).


14-04-11, 09:13
Just relax honey and enjoy your cuppa, you might be a touch anxious to start with but once you are there you will calm down, do your relaxation breathing this will keep you calm.

Hope you are well!
