View Full Version : Hi pls help new here

14-04-11, 12:21
Hi I'm 29 years old male ,I've been suffering from anxiety attacks since I was 21 years old..it lasted for 2 years ,it begun because of depression before, been thru a series of test and all came back negative about 7 years ago, then last month it came back because I've been thru a lot of emotional stress (financial) lately, This past few days almost every hour I had been experiencing stabbing chest and back pains that lasted for a few seconds.. This got me more anxious , is it normal to have that chest pains? I can not focus because of this pains and anxiety is becoming worst,the pain is usually on the left side near the heart..thank you..

14-04-11, 12:26
I had EKG test last week and the doctor told me it was just anxiety but I didn't mention that every hour Im having this chest pains cause I just experience this pains a few days ago

14-04-11, 12:30
The stabbing chest pain and back pain is all anxiety symptoms, you should just relax and breathe through it when it happens, i have learnt that relaxation is key to coping with anxiety.

Hope this helps x

14-04-11, 12:33
Thanks berti,I'm always thinking it's angina.. :) u know .. Do u know the difference of the two? I'm also burping a lot and get some relieve after .. Thanks again

14-04-11, 12:37
If you have had it checked out by a doc, then its not angina, they would know the difference. Anxiety has a lot of symptoms which can manifest as something more severe like medical conditions. As i said before, you have to learn to relax this is the key! I visit a councellor every week and he says the same thing to me all the time.

Keep well x

14-04-11, 12:42
Thanks again.. Been surfing the net a lot .. Anxiety drivin me nuts

14-04-11, 12:48
Surfing the net is the worst thing you can do, it only makes your worse. stick to 1 or 2 sites like this to keep you right. I have a good site it is
glasgowsteps.co.uk, this is all about CBT it will help the anxiety.


14-04-11, 13:01
Thanks berti

14-04-11, 13:16
where do get the the pain?
have you any problems with your teeth or ear as personally I notice that when certain teeth hurt the pain can shoot down into my chest.

do you get this pain while asleep or while relaxing? most people with anxiety get the stabbing chest pain.

14-04-11, 13:47
When I'm asleep it does not usually happens,it feels like someone electrecuted you for 2seconds,no I don't have ear or teeth problems.. I hope this is just muscle or nerve.. It just pop once in a while.. Thanks for the reply

14-04-11, 14:20
I also feel the pain when I'm angry or stressed out