View Full Version : weird kinda feeling advice please

14-04-11, 16:29
the last 2days my ibs had really really flared up woke up this morning with that blated traped wind feeling anywat managed some toast, bar of chocolate :) & few biscuits with a cuppa then in afternoon i usually have a buttie which i just didnt feel like as had no appetite then a little later on my appetite came back so i grabbed a ham sandwich while i could now my appetite has gone again but its not just that am just feeling kinda scared weird feeling little trembling like am waiting for something to happen to me... i don't no if its just a panicky feeling or ibs or a side effect off my cit as am only on day 16 but i can't stop thinking about it and its really freaking me out, i try to keep busy and take my mind off things but in the back of my mind i keep going over all the why do i feel this way etc.... i no that week two of cit i lost my appetite but once it came back i thought that would be it ??