View Full Version : Help me if you can I'm feeling down....

14-04-11, 17:15
ok the Beatles were much more upbeat than me! Hi everyone, my name is James and I've had such a terrible day today, my unsteadiness on my feet is bordering on the ridiculous with waves of panic all day. I feel like i've had a break down and yes I've been here before many times just need some friendly support to reassure me that these feelings will eventually subside! Any tips on taking my body off of alert state would be much appreciated !

14-04-11, 17:39
hey james, my names emma.
how are you feeling now? try and keep your chin up, i know its hard as im going through the same experiences. ive had an on and off day today. the heat here has really caused havoc with my panic today. i thought i was going to pass out at one point this morning but if you try to tackle it head on and dont give in then hopefully you will come out of the other side a little more positive. i know its hard but we all have days that are a bit worse than others. you arent alone :)
and i hope you are feeling a little better since your post x

14-04-11, 17:57
Thanks Emma, where abouts are you from? I guess we just have to take each day as it comes. I'm doing an online programme called Moodgym which is really good lots of modules that explain about unwarping negative thoughts, have a look. Ifeel like my eyes are on stalks with all this stress but hey ho baby steps to recovery eh. I hope you feel better soon, the other day I was walking to my car and found a keyring i had to laugh when i read it... "Rise through the storm and you will see the sunshine" I just hope its right for both our sakes ha ha :) x

16-04-11, 12:08
im from newcastle , you? yeah definately got to take each day as it comes, im gonna look into that programme you mentioned sounds interesting. haha yes i hope its right too. x