View Full Version : dizzy consultant and tests anybody had?

fed up with it
12-04-06, 18:00
I went to see an audiologist and he done some tests on me regarding my dizziness, had me marching on the spot etc, and wants to see me for some more tests, which will include a red light which i have to follow. The other one put water in my ear canal, which will send the room spining, i flatly refused that one, and they have agreed to only do the first one at the moment? has anyone had these tests, i posted under symptoms about i get a funny dizzy feeling in my body like the body pressure drops suddenly and a weak feeling like im going to faint/fall if i dont go and sit down quick, scaring the s..t out of me, had it before but not for a while and this one seemed really bad, i do at the moment have white lumps in the back of my throat? was this like anyone else has had?

13-04-06, 13:31
Hi there hun - this was one of my first symtoms of anxiety - well before all the others - I had all the tests balance/hearing etc and they found nothing - luckily I don't seem to have this anymore it just disappeared although I did suffer for some years.

Sorry I don't have any other help for you - but I know how truely awful it is. I do hope it disappears soon!

Love :DPinky:D

fed up with it
13-04-06, 14:00
Hi pinky, thanks for that reply, its nice to know hopefully it is a symptom of anxiety, horrible as it is it cant amount to anything, what did you do when you had theses spells did you have to go and sit down, and what did they say they were due to breathing or the anxiety panic? did you have the water put into your ear as well, how did that make you feel, are you over the anxiety now or have the symptoms changed?


13-04-06, 14:23
Hi, have you got a sore throat too, as it maybe tonsillitis .....
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"></td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"> In tonsillitis, the tonsils are enlarged, red, and often coated (either partly or entirely) by a substance that is yellow, gray, or white.

Your other symptoms lightheaded etc, I get on a daily basis. & Yes I had the test where they put water in your ears & it really wasn't as bad as I imagined.

Cath x

fed up with it
13-04-06, 14:51
Yes i have this on throat, but is the tonsills the bit that hangs down or puffy bits either side at the back of your throat. my daughter aged 3 had a temp. last night of 40 took her to the doctors and he said she has a throat infection, so i asked him to look in my throat, which he said i have it too, maybe thats why i feel exrta weak/dizzy but kids always get a high temp. i dont have one.


13-04-06, 15:08
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"></td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">The tonsils are fleshy clusters of tissue that lie in bands on both sides of the back of the throat, above and behind the tongue.

What are the symptoms?

Each person with tonsillitis may not experience all of the symptoms. Some of the major symptoms are: a very sore throat, fever, redder-than-normal tonsils, chills, a yellow or white coating on the tonsils, a funny-sounding voice, swollen glands in the neck, and bad breath.

Cath x

fed up with it
13-04-06, 15:40
Hi yes it is one side of the tonsills like white blobs on it, and a weak fall down dizzy feeling that i have felt more since these are in the back of my throat. Like i cant stand for long wonder whether thats related to this virus.?

13-04-06, 15:49
Well tonsillitis will certainly make you feel weak ..... I hope you will all feel better soon

Cath x

fed up with it
13-04-06, 16:30
Hi thanks hope thats why i feel worse than normal, if thats possible.


13-04-06, 16:44
hi there hun

It certainly could just be due to the throat infection you have after all ears, nose and throat are all connected. I just let the dizzy spell pass if it was just a short one but if it was a longer one I would have to sit down - it makes you feel quite queasy with the longer ones doesnt it. As for the water in the ears I too opted out of that one - after all I went to the specialist for a cure not for another dizzy spell ha.

See how you go after your infection clears.

Love Pinky

fed up with it
13-04-06, 17:26
Yes they are all connected so hope thats why feel awful. These dizzy spells, arent in the head, these ones seem to started like an empty unbalanced feeling inside like something is not getting into the body, and it forces me to sit as my legs and inside feel weak, and im not sure what will happen next, i dont feel sick, nor does the room spin, so thats what scares me. like a massive power failure inside is this what you felt, sorry for going on. i did have an inner ear infection a year ago nearly where i couldnt stand for 5 weeks, use to smoke up until then.

13-04-06, 17:53
Sounds a bit different to mine then - mine were definate head spins! Could be the infections tho. Im sure that the symptons will go when you are feeling better hun and nothing to worry about. Try and take time to recuperate and see how you go.

Sorry cant be of more help hun.

Love Pinky