View Full Version : One more worrier

14-04-11, 19:11

I've been reading lots of the posts and stories here, and it always makes me feel better. I don't know how I'd sleep at night if it wasn't for the fact that a long dizzying googling spell usually brings me back to this site.

I'm 23, female and just started a PhD. I've always worried about my health. Even as a child I would get down the big old readers' digest health encyclopedia to try and diagnose myself. I once dragged myself to the pharmacists and told them I had an STD before I'd even so much as kissed a boy! :blush: It makes me cringe now, but I still convince myself there's something wrong with me on a frequent basis.

I think in the UK especially its so taboo to be a hypochondriac, especially if you're young and look healthy. If I tell people my age about my many worries about my health, or about pestacides/antibiotics/crap in food or about the bazillion other things that worry me they think I'm some kind of new age health-nut. My parents think I'm self-obsessed because there's nothing terrible wrong with me. Sometimes they say that its (still!) growing pains.

Recently a loved one has been through some scary (but totally manageable) health issues and its sparked off panic and lots and lots of physical symptoms in myself that are really making me SO miserable. I love that this community exists - you can't imagine how much relief its brought me! THANK YOU! :flowers:

14-04-11, 19:16
Hi scatterbrain

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-04-11, 19:27
Hey , I get the same a lot. People dissmissing you fears just because your young you must be healthy. I can't help worrying about it, its easy for others to say just to ignore it and to think rational but I can't !

14-04-11, 19:41
Hi scatterbrain

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Thankyou Nicola,

I've been reading the stories and the coping section. Its all great, thanks for the welcome :)

14-04-11, 19:47
Hey , I get the same a lot. People dissmissing you fears just because your young you must be healthy. I can't help worrying about it, its easy for others to say just to ignore it and to think rational but I can't !

Arrgh, I know what you mean - it makes me so cross! I know how lucky I am to be young and fit etc and I feel guilty for making such a fuss when people I know with "real" problems are so brave and soldier on, still being sociable and having fun.

I sometimes think my mum will still be calling it "growing pains" when I'm 50.