View Full Version : falling asleep

14-04-11, 21:10
I just wondered if anyone else experiences this, because it's been happening a lot recently and it's really upsetting and frustrating.
Basically, when I'm drifting off to sleep, i will jolt wide awake, and have a surge of panic and palpitations. it happens several times and altho I can keep it under control and stop myself progressing into full on panic attack, it's still highly unpleasant and unsettling.
anyone else get this, know what causes it or how i can stop it?!
thanks friends xx

14-04-11, 23:06
Hi Sarah

Yes I have this quite a lot and from speaking to peeps over several years, I think most people get it! It's just a 'natural' thing that happens sometimes when you are falling asleep. The panic and palpitations are being brought on by this rather than the other way around.

Imagine what's happening to your brain when you're falling asleep! What a complex thing our bodies are!

No need to worry, it's very normal.


14-04-11, 23:27
like Els says it's normal, teenagers on facebook call it the "spazz attack" basically jumping awake :)
saying that, when my anxiety was very bad, I was also very tired and I found being too tired set off my anxiety as well as making falling asleep hard because i would jump awake, freak out and be scared to try and sleep again.