View Full Version : i feel so alone and actually ill :(

14-04-11, 21:22
hi guys im sat at home worried sick about everything ,,ive just been reading some random posts and no one seems to get the things i get, so im going to tell you all the things i get and if anyones got time could you please reply and tell me if you get any of the sensations and symptoms please??

right here goes:

muscle soreness sometimes just in one muscle of one arm or leg!

pains in arms/legs all the way up to the top of my thigh!

stinging pains any where mainly in my hands and wrists and ancles!

muscle tremors!

very strange pain feeling in the neck cant describe it but its not nice!

almost feel like i cant breath properly!

feeling full in belly and generally unconftable!

these are all the things ive been getting regularary every day, i get alot more than this but these get to me the most , the random pains and aches just in one muscle .. like today the whole of my forarm has been sore the muscle, and now its my upper arm and shoulder too .. ive been to docs and he says ANXIETY of corse .. but im getting really scared because ill be doing something and totally not thinking anxiously or anything and bamm ill get a pain and it scares me so i start to think ive got some serious illness and thats when i get unconstrollebly anxious .. thanks in advance for any replys guys :) xx

macc noodle
14-04-11, 21:27
You are not alone - you are describing some of the symptoms I get when anxious - the aches and pains move all around and don't get me started on my belly!

I have been through the whole range of illnesses I could possibly imagine to justify these aches and pains and, guess what, my doc says the same as yours - anxiety.

I actually find that I am better and the pains subside if I get going and do something to distract myself from dwelling on them (which I kinda take as proof positive that it cannot be anything more than anxiety - I don't think cancer goes away to order?)



14-04-11, 21:49
thanks chick for replying .. i know what you mean about the pains comeing and going if it was bad surely they'd stay but i cant help but panic and get scared .. im really trying .. like i say its just the random aches and pains that get to me the most because i imagine this desiease travelling round my body cuz there eveywhere .. is it normal then these stingy pains and aches all over?? x

macc noodle
14-04-11, 22:12
Hi Holly

For me, the symptoms you have described could be me telling you how I feel - I am pretty sure that it is anxiety.

I know how hard it is to accept - I still drive myself mad on certain days when I am convinced that I felt like this for so long that today could be my last day (it never is!) - tonight for example hun, I am feeling like I can't really breathe and am very aware of my heart beating fast - but am trying like billy-o not to let it get the better of me - I will have a warm drink and a couple of paracetomols (which help the aches and pains) and get off to bed with a good book soon and hope I feel better tomorrow.

Please go back and discuss it with the doc if you are still unhappy - I assume that they have done full bloods for you just to make sure there is no underlying infection? If not, perhaps you could see another doc. at your practice and see if it would be possible for them to check it out?


14-04-11, 22:23
i feel the same 3 months ago i asumed i had just days left :( its horrible .. yes iv had my bloods took .. everything was fine .. is full bloods like your red cells and white cells and your organs? if so yes iv had them because i was convinced i was ill .. that put my mind at rest for a week or so and then i went back to being anxious .. i might try your tip then and have a warm drink and few tabs .. im glad its not just me because these pains and aches are nasty xx