View Full Version : headache in the night

12-04-06, 20:09
Hi all, yesterday I read a whole book in one day and developed a headache around 9.30pm, which I assumed was due to the reading. But I woke up 3 -4 times in the night and it was stilll there, although it went shortly after breakfast. I remember reading that brain tumour headaches can wake you up in the night, or does it sound more like it was due to the reading? I'm a bit frazzled at the moment, dizzy and spacy, as I am meeting my dad for the first time tomorrow after 30 years. So is it normal to feel spaced out at a time like this?

Anxiety Is Evil

12-04-06, 20:13

Wow - I think my head would be spinning if I was meeting my dad after 30 years too.

I wish you all the best for tomorrow - let us know how it goes.

I am sure the headache will pass - it is probably a mix of tension, apprehension and excitement.


12-04-06, 22:01
Hi Farr - good luck for tomorrow:)
Maybe the headache was from your eyes being tired from reading for so long. I know if I use the computer or read too much my eyes ache and I get a headache. Plus feeling anxious and excited about meeting your Dad may have added to it.
Take Care
Love Helen