View Full Version : Help me plz.

15-04-11, 03:40
I am male, in the UK (Scotland)
Does anyone know of helplines for panic attacks? I searched on the net & looked in phone directories.
Only found two but one closes at 5:30pm,the other 11pm.
My panic attacks mainly happen after these times,late at night,early hours of morning,like now!!, Im just coming out of a full blown panic attack but my worst in a long time, I actually felt like running out the house or smashing things & I was screaming & swearing, my neighbour must think im a nutter or having weird loud sex!!!
Its really taking its toll & f-cking up my sleep alot & of course my head.
I dont have many people in my life, I really need a helpine.
None of my friends on fb or msn are ever around when I actually need them.
Can you please help with cheap rate or free helpline.

15-04-11, 04:08
Sory I am in Australia so I dont have any numbers to give you. Just want you to know I hear you - you are not alone :)

15-04-11, 05:45
sorry hun iam in usa i wish i couls help take care hun

15-04-11, 12:27
Oh ok,that was helpful to know!!:wacko:

15-04-11, 12:42
call the samaritans, they help with anything

15-04-11, 12:45
Try this:

15-04-11, 15:08
yes i have tried samaritans,they sound depressed themselves half the time.
I need someone who knows about panic attacks,whos been through it to help me through it when Im having one during the night.
Its ridiculous that there are no late night help numbers.:mad::mad::mad:

15-04-11, 16:55
The No Panic helpline shuts at 10pm as well.

jaded jean
15-04-11, 18:22
There is a crisis line number with No Panic . I use it when my fear of going to work gets too much . its 08088080545 hope this is of some use and good luck.

15-04-11, 18:51
Jean - isn't that the recorded message?

Gerald 476
15-04-11, 18:55
If I were you I'd try the Samaritans. They are there 24/7 and you have someone to talk to. I remember when I was in the same situation as you but now I am free of attacks. Nearly everyone can be free when you work on the problem. You have to learn to think differently. DO NOT ALLOW ANY NEGATIVE THOUGHT TO DWELL ON YOUR MIND. Good luck I'll think of you this evening

16-04-11, 01:55
Gerald, if you are free of panics, can you give us some tips on how you worked through it?

macc noodle
16-04-11, 02:04
Hey Cheo,

Have you tried reading any advice on dealing with Panic Attacks or have you seen your GP for referral for help?

You need to try and find some strategies that you can use yourself without needing anyone else to help so that when they hit you in the wee small hours you can get over them.

I really feel for you.

But, remember that they do pass and you are always fine afterwards (well, probably exhausted but fiine) aren't you?

When having an attack try and distract yourself from the sensations - this will be different things for different people - it really is a matter of finding what works for you.

Music is good as you just have to listen and try to relax.

TV or a magazine is great if you don't have the wonky eyes you can get with PA.

A warm bath and a warm milky drink can be good too (not too hot though cos they can make palps and dizziness worse - in fact getting in the bath a really bad idea if you dizzy).

To be honest running around the house shouting and swearing is not the best way to deal with it - although I can remember running up and down my stairs a few times just to prove to myself that there was nothing wrong with me whilst having a panic attack.

If you can sit quietly with a brown paper bag over your nose and mouth and use it to breathe into to equalise the oxygen and carbon dioxide, it should help you come down a bit. You need to concentrate on taking measured steady breaths in and out for it to be most effective.

I know it is not the same as actually talking to someone but you could always try the chat room on here and see if there is anyone about who will chat with you and this may distract you from the panic.

Good luck - you are not alone!


16-04-11, 02:24
if your panic attacks are this bad, maybe you need to try and get more support from a doctor, therapy and such ?
things like CBT can help learn how to come down from a panic attack or simply cope with it better.
the only 24 hour helpline I believe is just the samartines.
sorry your having such a hard time