View Full Version : sudden sharp head pain. Please reassure!

15-04-11, 04:16
I have just been woken from sleep with horrendous sudden stab pain on right of head. Have been getting random head pains for months but this one scared the sh*t out of me. I am still here and able to type this so not dead yet, but am terrified waiting for another, which i know won't help. Medical history at mo is that i have had basic bloods all ok about 4 months ago. have told doc about pains who seemed totally unconcerned. Can this really just be anxiety?? It feels so sinister. i Don't clench jaw as far as i know. Please anyone can you help and tell me to stop being a prat! I'm really scared. x:weep:

15-04-11, 04:39
Where was the pain?
it could be the muscle where your neck goes and attaches to the back of your head.

15-04-11, 08:10
Hi Michel, the pain was on the right side of head, kind of half way up from ear and half down from top. It made me feel very scared, which is weird 'cos i have been having loads of weird head short sharp sensations/zaps, and have got quite used to them, but this was different. It took all my might not to let it turn into full blown panic attack, but did breathing exercises to calm self down. Still terrified though. You mentioned neck pain, well i did find myself putting my hand on my neck alot yesterday, but it was on my left side, could that still be connected??

15-04-11, 11:37
My guess is that it's neck muscles that are tense and causing the sensations in your head. They can feel very sinister and scary, but that is how the neck attaches to the head with the muscles over the scalp attached to it. Anxiety causes the neck muscles to tense up and the rest happens. I have had this in the past over a few months and they gradually subsided - both zaps and sudden pains and cramps in my head. I thought something really serious was going on until I realised that my ongoing neck problems were the root. Now I am suffering from constant pressure headaches caused by my neck. Try not to worry (at least about this!) and feel better soon. xo

15-04-11, 12:07
Thank you so much for replying, i think this site may have saved me from a nervous breakdown over the last six months!! i crave for the day that i feel totally 'normal' again, and look at strangers thinking how lucky they are if they feel normal!! think i'm going mad. Really appreciate your advice though, just need to convince myself 100%, even 99% is not good enough, that pesky 1% is so evil!! Best wishes to all x